Stat vs Econ vs Finance vs Math

<p>Hi, I am currently a senior studying economics, and I will be graduating in 3 weeks.
I am going to take a year off (actually more than a year because I am graduating early) and prepare for Graduate school in the meantime.</p>

<p>My goal after schooling is to enter a private sector and earn 80k~100k per year.
My first plan was to apply for PhD in economics because Masters in Economics is often a waste of time due to such a high opportunity cost. However, I do not want to spend another 5 years in school...</p>

<p>As my title states, I am also interested in masters degrees in Stats, finance, and math.
Is there any good programs out there that is funded and interdisciplinary? something like Mathematical Finance, Financial Economics and etc.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance</p>

<p>None at the masters level. There are always merit scholarships that are usually granted by the university for exceptional graduate students, but that applies to usually the entire university and not a single department unless they advertise it.</p>

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<p>Washington State University gives funding for their MA in Applied Economics. It is actually a pretty awesome degree. Well respected.</p>

<p>Some statistics programs offer a limited number of funded spots for really promising Masters students (basically, they’re hoping you’ll stick around for a PhD). You will probably need to find out on a school-by-school basis how many are available; most deparmental admissions coordinators should be able to give you a rough estimate.</p>