Statesider & Towers vs. public housing ??

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I was admitted to the freshman class for the 09-10 year and I have been trying to figure out housing. I have decided that i'm either going to apply for Statesider, towers, or public and try for ogg, whitte, and sellery (sp?). I'm really confused/torn about it. </p>

<p>I talked to a couple friends (1 who lived in towers & 1 in statesider) and they both really liked it. Also, my friend in statesider says everyone there does greek life which I am really interested in. My friend in towers said to live in towers & not statesider and she loves madison but says sometimes she regrets not doing public housing freshman year. I'm just worried that I won't get the most social experience possible if I live in those dorms and i'm not sure what the right thing to do is.</p>

<p>I'm from Ohio so I am not really in a "sconnie or coastie" stereotype hahah so i'm not sure where i would fit in.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Get ready for the time of your life at UW Madison.</p>

<p>Your questions are frequently asked so I've attached a past thread:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks! i've actually read that thread but i'm trying to find more information specifically on statesider/towers- people tend to talk more about lucky or the public dorms.</p>

<p>I don't know about private dorms, but if you go with the school's dorms go with something like Sellery (or Chadbourne! that's where I'm living now). Last year I lived in Ogg and it sucked. Maybe if I was going into it with friends it would have been great (the walk in closets were beautiful...). The problem you get with the really nice places (which could be a problem in private too) is that if the rooms are too nice people stay in their rooms. I tried hanging out in the den but it was always empty :( And due to fire codes, buildings built recently have to have doors that close automatically. From what I've heard from friends, it seems like the classic dorms are the best for meeting people. Chadbourne might be the best of both for you next year, because although the rooms are staying the same size, they're rennovating it over the summer. All rooms will have controllable AC/heat (though mine does now) and they're adding a kitchen to every floor, and re-doing the elevators. Chadbourne is also in the best location of all the dorms, right on the bottom of Bascom Hill. But you get the same idea in Sellery and Witte.</p>

<p>I know this posts from several years ago, but I think answering some of the questions would be helpful for people still looking for reviews (since this is still a top search on google). I’m a current undergrad and lived in public housing my freshman year. While I did enjoy my experience in Sellery, it was dirty (like hot dogs in the ceiling tiles dirty), the rooms were cramped and sharing bathrooms was…rough. Statesider kind of gives you the best of both worlds. The rooms are nicer and you share bathrooms with way less people, but you still get the fun, social side of being in a dorm. Not to mention, it’s right next to Langdon street, so Greek life is at your fingertips.</p>

<p>The Towers is actually an apartment for upperclassmen now. The building is WAY nicer on the inside (I know, looks rough from the outside) and the staff is way more friendly and helpful than most apartment complex staff. The rent is a little pricey, but it’s at one of the best locations on campus and the amenities are pretty sweet. Not having to walk to the Serf is a definite plus. The basement has pool and ice hockey and a huge bar area, so sometimes friends go drink down there. Staff doesn’t do anything about it as long as nothing breaks.</p>

<p>Hope that helps with some of the questions and future Badgers. ON WISCONSIN!</p>

<p>As things in Madison are always changing a new project now overshadows Towers and Statesider–literally.</p>

<p>rose- that’s ONE opinion. Res Halls is not all like your Sellery experience. Costs matter a lot to many. Many do NOT want to be near the Greeks or State St. Many different options both within Res Halls and apartment life to meet many diverse wishes and needs.</p>

<p>Articles on apartment boom in central Madison. Not just for students .</p>

<p><a href=“Urban Design Commission gives nod to "The Hub at Madison" development on State Street - Isthmus | Madison, Wisconsin”>Urban Design Commission gives nod to "The Hub at Madison" development on State Street - Isthmus | Madison, Wisconsin;

<p><a href=“Boom town: There's no end in sight to new, upscale apartments downtown, but how much is too much?”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;