Statler and McDonalds...V and R of your EM spectrum???

<p>i hear there's this really swelll place called Statler at Cornell...</p>

<p>is it really expensive? is he food there good? do students get discounts?</p>

<p>is there a McDonalds at Ithaca? Does it have a vegetarian menu? Is it close to campus?</p>

<p>Nothing beats mom's rice and curry tho. :-)</p>

<p>Speaking as an Indian of course.</p>

<p>very true...</p>

<p>sad...that i'll be missin that... (i always had an affinity for sambhar)</p>

<p>I dislike most Indian food.</p>

<p>never had indian food</p>

<p>lol "is there a Mcdonalds at Ithaca?" hahaha</p>

<p>Mc Donalds sux.</p>

<p>Biaxident...ur from India too...</p>

<p>Me too btw</p>

<p>how is the situation for vegetarians???</p>

<p>what does btw mean?</p>

<p>Abike, btw is short for by the way.</p>

<p>Arjun, McDonald's has vegetarian stuff but it's really not worth your time. The vegetarian scene in Ithaca and in every city I've ever been to is of course thriving and accessible. There is also a ton of vegetarian eating on campus. No need to worry. Btw, I'm a vegetarian too.</p>

<p>wrxstiav and Arjun, you guys might enjoy this article:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It's from the NY Times website, but signing up is free and if you get an account you can read almost all their articles for free!</p>

<p>Might want to try Moosewood down in the commons. I didn't like it when I went there w/ my gf (who's a vegetarian) but then I only eat meat...</p>

<p>There's indian food in college town. It's pretty good too (from the point of view of an American...not sure how home cooked indian tastes)</p>

<p>The McDonald's is a five minute bus ride away. Statler is okay; I personally prefer the Ivy Room, but to each his own I guess. You'll figure it out once you get here. (And this is Ithaca. It's much harder to be a teetotaler than a vegetarian.)</p>