<p>Worried I'm too low for Pomona...
3.841uw, 10% of class (rank unweighted - grr)
30 ACT
numerous debate awards, red belt in martial arts, also involved in drama, music, and newspaper. Sunday School teacher & worship at my church. Selected as my class's top Social Studies student last year.</p>
<p>the admissions rate is about 20% or so. so it's hard to get into. not as hard to get into as harvard, stanford, etc, but it's still quite selective.</p>
<p>SAT908, Pomona is one of the toughest LAC's to get into. It's an extremely good school.</p>
<p>CBJ, what's your intended major? </p>
<p>Your 30 ACT puts you at the lower edge of the Pomona's inter-quartile range, so I imagine they're going to want to see considerable plusses elsewhere in your app.</p>
<p>Pomona does look at the whole person and would much rather have a 30 ACT dynamic well rounded student who will contribute to the school then a 1500/1600 student who lacks good social skills. That is usually what the interview is used for. My son got in with only a slightly higher score while others he knew with higher scores then he in the 1500's did not. Good luck. My D is in the same position as you so I am rooting for both of you! Let us know how you fare.</p>
<p>when i was talking to the adcom from Pomona, he told me that the rates are pretty much identical. They accept 30% of their class under the early decision plan, but i believe the actual admit rates are around 18-19 percent.</p>