Stats for accepted

<p>Here are instructions and a template you can use to help future generations of Miami applicants:</p>

<p>-Delete the line that does not apply, i.e. Accepted or Rejected.
-Add your specifics on the X's.
-Preview your post to see how it looks before you submit.</p>

*Decision: Accepted *
*Decision: Rejected *</p>

<p>Date applied: X
Date decision postmarked/received: X
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: X</p>

[<em>] SAT Total: X M: X, CR: X, WR: X,
[</em>] ACT: X
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests: X
[</em>] GPA-UW/W: X/X
[<em>] Rank: X
[</em>]AP/IB classes: X
[<em>] Essays: X
[</em>] Teacher Recs: X
[<em>] Counselor Rec: X
[</em>] EC highlights: X[/ul]
Location/Person:[ul][<em>] State or Country: X
[</em>] School Type: X
[<em>] Ethnicity: X
[</em>] Gender: X
Other Factors, hook?: X</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: X</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Comm</p>

SAT Total: 2100 M: 660, CR: 740, WR: 700,
ACT: 31
GPA-UW/W: 3.2/4.1
Rank: 124/965
AP/IB classes: AP US History (4), AP English Lit (4), AP Composition (5), AP Statistics (4), AP World History (4) </p>

<p>EC highlights: None other than Church-related. No job, no leadership positions.
Location/Person: Miami!
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Other Factors: Duke TIP 4 years, and... ummmmm... struggling here... that's it.</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: NO SCHOLARSHIP. Also accepted to UNC-CH, UF, WL @ Emory, and NYU.</p>

<p>hurryCANE. Your gpa killed you for the scholarship. Go to Emory.</p>

<p>*Decision: Accepted *</p>

<p>Date applied: Unsure. Late October, I believe.
Date decision postmarked/received: 1/28 --- 1/31
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: School of Communication</p>

[<em>] SAT Total: X M: X, CR: X, WR: X,
[</em>] ACT: 33
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests: X
[</em>] GPA-UW/W: 4.0/4.41
[<em>] Rank: 1/196
[</em>]AP/IB classes: Bio (5), Psych (4), English Language (5), US History (5), Taking: English Literature, Spanish Language, US Government, and Calculus AB
[<em>] Essays: I thought was good
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Good
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Good
[</em>] EC highlights: LOTS of theatre, lots of Student Congress and Legislative Debates, including National Competitions -- just very, very active in general [/ul]
Location/Person:[ul][<em>] State or Country: Michigan
[</em>] School Type: Private (Catholic)
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: M
Other Factors, hook?: No idea. High GPA, 1st in class, maybe essay</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: Received University ($24,000) and was invited to compete for Singer (Full)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: October ?
Date decision postmarked/received: 29/31
Accepted at which school/major at Miami:Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science/Marine Science Biology</p>

SAT Total:2100 M: 690, CR: 670, WR: 740
SAT Subject Tests: Bio 790 Chem 770 Math II 720
GPA-UW/W: 3.96/4.30 Rank: School does not rank
AP/IB classes:
Total of 11
Soph:Physics B(4)/U.S. History(4)
Junior: Calc ab(5)/Bio(5)/Lang and Comp(4)/World History(5)
Senior: Chem/Env. Science/Calc bc/Lit and Comp/French
All other classes honors, hardest schedule permitted.
Took College Algebra course at local college btw. 10th and 11th grade to jump ahead in math and got A.</p>

Essays: OK, I guess
Teacher Recs: Did not see
Counselor Rec: Did not see
EC highlights:
IDI (Inform Defend Improve) Biology Club
President- grade 12 (9th 10th 11th 12th grade)
Science League (10th 11th 12th grade)
Math League (12th grade)
Mini-MORT (FIRST LEGO Robotics Team) Team Member then Mentor (9th 10th grade)Debate Team (9th 10th 11th 12th grade)
2007 Championships 2nd Place Negative Team
2007 Overall Season 2nd Place Negative Team
Gay-Straight Alliance (11th 12th grade)
Treasurer- grade 12
Mount Olive Swim Team (9th 10th 11th 12th grade) Mt. Olive Varsity Award 05-06,
06-07, 07-08 seasons
Flanders Valley Swim Team (9th 10th 11th 12th grade)</p>

State or Country: NJ
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Other Factors, hook?: None</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?:Deans Scholarship</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: 10/30
Date decision postmarked/received: 01/30
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Arts & science/ pre-med</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 680 :M, CR: 710 , WR: 730 (they don't look at the writing)
* ACT: 28
* SAT Subject Tests: took them in january and i haven't received the scores so they were not used in the admissions decision.
* GPA-UW/W: 3.87/5.67
* Rank: school doesn't rank, top 5%
* AP/IB classes: 9 ap


<pre><code>* Essays: short but well written, touching story.
* Teacher Recs: three teacher recs, very well recommended
* Counselor Rec: my school has 900+ seniors so my counselor doesn't know me, short and very generic.
* EC highlights: HOSA (vice-president), NHS, computer club


<pre><code>* State or Country: FL
* School Type: Public
* Ethnicity: Hispanic
* Gender: Female

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: most likely i'll go, still waiting for other admissions, i got the university scholarship(24,000). For scholarships apply early action it is a HUGE advantage, speaking from personal experience.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted
Date applied: 10/30
Date decision postmarked/received: 01/31
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: School of Arts and Sciences, Chemistry</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 1290 [math & CR]
* ACT: 29
* SAT Subject Tests: US-710, Math II-690
* GPA-UW/W: 3.9/4.3
* Rank: top 10%
* AP/IB classes: 10 overall


<pre><code>* Essays: good one, wrote about my experience moving to Amerrrica
* Teacher Recs: 2, from a science and a social studies teachers
* Counselor Rec: Yes
* EC highlights: few leadership positions, lots of comm. service


<pre><code>* State or Country: Kansas
* School Type: Public
* Ethnicity: Caucasian
* Gender: F

<p>Other Factors, hook?: </p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: I am sad that I did not get any money, so if my financial aid package is not good, I will probably not end up going there, although it was my dream school.</p>

<p>gia89 . i dont understand why you didnt get any scholarship. you shouldve got at least something</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: Early Action
Date decision postmarked/received: Postmarked Oct 20th sometime?? Received Nov 1
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: College of Arts and Sciences/Physics</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 720 M/730 W/800 CR
* ACT: 32 (didn't send)
* SAT Subject Tests: 800 USH, 750 Lit, 720 Chem
* GPA-UW/W: 104
* Rank: #1
* AP/IB classes: 6/most rigorous


<pre><code>* Essays: good
* Teacher Recs: 1 great, one good
* Counselor Rec: no idea
* EC highlights: captain of sport


<pre><code>* State or Country: NY
* Gender: F

<p>Other Factors, hook?: Miami SSP '07</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: University Scholarship + Singer invite</p>

<p>SuperMarioJ: I checked the website, and you're eligible for scholarships if you have a 31 or above on the ACT/1350 or above on the SAT. :|</p>

<p>Sorry about the Offtopic!!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: Early Action
Date decision postmarked/received: 01/30/08
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: College of Arts and Sciences, Pre-Medicine</p>

*SAT Total: 2090 M: 730, CR: 700, WR: 660,
*ACT: 29 (Didn't report)
*SAT Subject Tests: Math I: 700, Lit: 660, U.S. History: 600 (were my weakpoints)
*GPA-UW/W: 3.7/4.83
*Rank: 12/536
*AP/IB classes: 11 APs, 7 in senior year. I got two 4's and two 3's on the tests that I took.</p>

*Essays: Strong, written about my fathers hard work, instilling it in me.
*Teacher Recs: Great, got several, picked the best.
*Counselor Rec: Top rec.
*EC highlights: Oh boy... This list goes on. Basically, 4 years of Debate, state qualification last year and President this year to be EXTREMELY bland. Also, two years of wrestling.</p>

*State or Country: Florida
*School Type: Public High School, semi-competitive due to the high volume of students.
*Ethnicity: Indian (from India)
*Gender: Male</p>

<p>Other Factors, hook?: I just worked really hard on my application. All the stats I had pointed me in the direction of the Dean's Scholarship, so I made sure to work very hard on my essay and very hard to display my extra curriculars to the admissions crew in order to be bumped up to the University Scholarship.</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: As I said in my last comment, the application can work for you or against you. They have some prestated qualifications for their scholarships, but they're extremely malleable when all is taken into consideration. I applied to a lot of Ivy's and high level institutions on the same hope, thinking I might be able to apply myself into consideration :p, so we'll see if I'll be going to UM or not. Either way, I'm really happy, 24,000 a year is AMAZING, go 'Canes.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: forget
Date decision postmarked/received: didn't look
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Business</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: didn't take
* ACT: 31
* SAT Subject Tests: didn't send them
* GPA-UW/W: 3.55 UW/my school doesnt give us our weighted
* Rank: doesn't rank
* AP/IB classes: 5


<pre><code>* Essays: I actually didn't write any new essays for college, just used essays i wrote in high school that applied to the prompt with some revision (pretty good I'd say)
* Teacher Recs: 'mazing
* Counselor Rec: damn good
* EC highlights: in 7th grade I started doing graphic design have design t-shirts for community service events, posters, been accepted and won many art shows/contests

<p>Been playing varsity lax for 4 years, varsity soccer for 2 and varsity cross country for 2 (3 sports a year, did jv 2 years of high school for soccer and lax)</p>


<pre><code>* State or Country: TX
* School Type: private
* Ethnicity: white
* Gender: male

<p>Other Factors, hook?: I guess since I applied to marketing the whole graphic design thing looks pretty good</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: Deans scholarship (16k annually)</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: M: 670, CR: 630, WR: 690 (1990 total)
* SAT Subject Tests: French 740, Math I 680
* GPA-UW/W: 3.7 weighted
* Rank: top 15 - 20%
* AP/IB classes: Lang & Comp, French, Environmental (school doesn't offer many...)


<pre><code>* State or Country: Massachusetts
* School Type: Small private
* Ethnicity: Caucasian
* Gender: Male

<p>Other Factors, hook?: Nahh...</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: No scholarship...don't know if I will attend. It was my top choice throughout last year but it has moved down on my list.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: 8/9
Date decision postmarked/received: lost in mail...nothing yet...applied EA
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Arts and Sciences
SAT Total:2050 M: 740, CR: 620, WR: 690,
ACT: 33, perfect math score
SAT Subject Tests: math 730, lit 640, spanish 620 (not stellar, but oh well)
GPA-UW/W: 4.0/4.84
Rank: 2/365
AP/IB classes: 7
Essays: fine...I'm no writer
Teacher Recs: probably awesome, but I did not see any
Counselor Rec: awesome
EC highlights: varsity tennis 4 years, president of various clubs, blah blah blah
State or Country: FL
School Type: Public-not very well known to any private colleges for sure
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Other Factors, hook?: won lots of awards throughout high school, community and school</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: Dean's 24000 and invite to Singer, will probably attend</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: 10/29
Date decision postmarked/received: 1/30 / 2/2
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Geological and Regional Studies in the school of arts and sciences</p>

<p>Stats: heres the shocker</p>

<pre><code>* SAT Total: M: 650, CR: 550, WR: 580,
* ACT: X
* SAT Subject Tests: didnt submit at the time
* GPA-W: 92
* Rank: School doesn't rank
* AP/IB classes: AP Environmental, AP Spanish, AP US History, AP Government. Wait till you hear this: regular math, science, and english classes till my senior year. Honors in those subjects except for math. Currently in regular precalc =]


<pre><code>* Essays: I think it is the reason I got in.
* Teacher Recs: They loved me
* Counselor Rec: I actually sneaked a peek in, and it was pretty good.
* EC highlights: Varsity wrestler, lots of science awards but nothing special, Missionary trip to the Dominican Republic


<pre><code>* State or Country: NY
* School Type: Public
* Ethnicity: Asian
* Gender: Male

<p>Other Factors, hook?: Being asian with a sick essay?</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: I got accepted with no scholarship but I'm probably going. I didn't think I was going to get in because those SAT scores weren't too great and they wouldn't let me send in my new ones which were much better. Even if I did send in the scores I still do not know how i got in. I hope this relieved the stress of all you RD and future applicants! See CC is not only for the smartest in the world =P.</p>

<p>Did UM rejects somebody? in my D's school everybody got in but 2 deferred!</p>

<p>hurryCANE, how do you know you've been accepted to UF? Decisions aren't released until this friday.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: Early January
Date decision postmarked/received: March 6
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Business</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 2020 M: 710, CR: 650 , WR: 660 (did not report these scores)
* ACT: 34
* SAT Subject Tests: 780 Math Level II and 680 US History (did not report)
* GPA-UW/W: 4.0/4.3
* Rank: 1
* AP/IB classes: 11


<pre><code>* Essays: Very strong sense of personality
* Teacher Recs: None
* Counselor Rec: My counselor isn't all that bright, so it probably sucked
* EC highlights: Marching Band, Baseball, Cross Country, Track, Jazz Band, Concert Band, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Christian Teens, Baseball Team Chaplain, Math Team, Teenage Republican, and Student Council VP.


<pre><code>* State or Country: WV
* School Type: Mid-sized (195 seniors)
* Ethnicity: White
* Gender: Male

<p>Other Factors, hook?: Absolutely none.</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: I'm honestly really happy about getting into Miami. It wasn't originally my dream school, but I got the University Scholarship and an invitation for an interview for the Singer, so I'm pretty much set on Miami now.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: Jan 15 (the last possible day!)
Date decision postmarked/received: received March 6, 2009
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Rosentiel School of Atmospheric and Marine Science</p>

<p>Stats: These may shock you...cause their not that hot
SAT Total: X M: X, CR: X, WR: X,
ACT: 29 composite, 33 english, 27 math and science
SAT Subject Tests: X
GPA-UW/W: Its 3.65, my school doesn't weight.
Rank: 11 of 114
AP/IB classes: AP US History, English Language Composition, Calculus, Music Theory</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: I submitted 4 recommendations. One from my Pre-Calc/Calculus Teacher, 1 from my French teacher. I also take classes at Georgetown University (just during my senior year), so I got a recommendation from one of my Professors at G-Town. And I attend a performing arts high school (Duke Ellington School of the Arts), so I submitted one from my Saxophone Technique teacher (as I am a sax major at my high school).
Counselor Rec: submitted...
EC highlights: I attend an art school, so I take 10 classes (6 academic, 4 arts). I take classes at Georgetown U as well. I am in National Honor Society, Student Government, I started the female sax ensemble at my school, I work at the Washington National Zoo, Prom committee.
State or Country: Washington, DC
School Type: Public Arts High School
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Other Factors, hook?: My school curriculum, and work experience in the Invertebrate Exhibit at the National Zoo in DC (considering I want to be an animal biology major, this helps a lot!)</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?: No scholarship, I think. Not sure if i'm going to UM, it depends if I can afford it! If I can, then I am strongly considering going!! I also got accepted to U FL, Penn State, U Alabama, Florida State, Purdue....but I still have a lot of schools to hear we'll see.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: Don't Remember; EA
Date decision postmarked/received: Feb. 2
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: School of Comm, Broadcast Journalism</p>

SAT Total: 1960 M: 630, CR: 680, WR: 650,
ACT: 28
SAT Subject Tests: lolwut?
GPA: 3.42
Rank: School Doesn't Rank
AP/IB classes: 2 thru app period (German, US History), 4 thru senior year (those 2, Stat, EnvSci)</p>

Essays: Wrote about scholarship competition I was in Now</a> Debate This - Unique Scholarship Experience
Teacher Recs: None
Counselor Rec: Good I presume
EC highlights: Marching Band (drumline capt., asst. drum major) Scholar's Bowl (state champs)
Location/Person: ATL
State or Country: GA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Other Factors, hook?: not that i recall</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to Miami...?:
- $0 Scholarship Recieved
- May attend, depends on aid (EFC is 30K+, so not looking good :( )</p>