Stats - number of med school admissions from a university

Is there stats available as to how many students got into med school from a certain university?

Only if the med school reports it. And then you wouldn’t know if it’s someone right out of undergrad, or with several years work experience, or if they did a post-bacc or SMP.

If you are trying to figure out a school’s med school admission rate, it will be difficult to get accurate numbers from the school, and info that will allow to cross compare schools.

Some things to ask the pre-health advising office:
-What plans and activities does the pre-health advising team have, and what type of programming do they have? Do they support students even when they apply years after gradduation?
-Does the school write committee letters on behalf of med school applicants? These packets are how some schools ‘gatekeep’ by only giving the top candidates committee letters to ensure a high MD school acceptance rate. Applicants with no committee letter from a school that provides them have a low chance of admission. So, choose a school that doesn’t gatekeep this way.
-Ease of getting patient facing volunteer experience at/near school
-Ease of getting research at school
-Whether pre-meds can get prereqs needed to complete most classes by end of junior year, when they may want to take MCAT. Does school offer an MCAT review course? Is it open to those who have already graduated?
-When giving acceptance stats, understand which students have post grad work experience, or did a post-bacc/SMP. These applicants tend to be more competitive than students right out of undergrad. Average age of matriculating med school students is 24-25.

Here is some 2021 high level med school data:


… if you want to take your chances applying to medical school even if your chances are not good. It may actually be better for a student with poor chance of admission to be advised to switch to plan B earlier, rather than wasting a lot of time and money on futile medical school applications.

For a college with a pre-med committee, would the medical school admission rate be an indicator of how high a chance of admission the pre-med committee will need for endorsing medical school applications?


Pre-health advisors at schools that don’t make use of committee letters should still be advising students of their realistic chances of admission. Really can’t make the final recommendation until the MCAT score is in.

I don’t really know any undergrad school (that doesn’t mean there aren’t any) that gives detailed med school acceptance stats. It’s critical to know know certain facts to get the context: URM/ORM status, how many years work experience a successful candidate had, or whether they did a post-BACC or SMP just to name a few important variables. Of course MCAT and relevant GPAs are critical to know too…but really need these other details for context.

The number of students getting accepted to medical school from any college will have zero bearing on your ability to get accepted to medical school.

In addition, this data is remarkably unreliable. Schools have many ways to “cook the books” on this date.

@WayOutWestMom you always explain this better than I do.


The are several ways a undergrad can manipulate their med school acceptance rate. These are the most common:

  1. Gatekeeping by the health profession committee which only offer letters of recommendation to those students who the committee believes have an excellent chance of being accepted.

  2. Not defining their “success” population. Are accepted students current seniors matriculating directly into med school from undergrad? Or are they graduates who have done post-bacc work (to change career paths and do their med school pre-reqs elsewhere), completed an SMP (Special Master’s Programs which improve one’s GPA), or have completed several years of medicine-related work experience? I’ve seen some undergrads include graduates who have been out of college for as long as 10 years in their accepted med student numbers.

  3. Not defining what a “medical school” is. While this sounds like no-brainer, undergrads vary remarkably in how they define a “medical school acceptance”. It could just for MD programs. Or just MD and DO programs. It could include students who attend med schools both inside and outside of the US. (There are offshore med schools that will accept literally anyone who can pay their tuition.) It could include any student who enrolls in a health profession training program post graduation-- including MD, DO, dentistry, clinical psychology, physical therapy, occupation therapy, speech pathology, radiation therapy, respiratory therapy, podiatry, optometry, nursing, etc. I’ve even seen DVMs (veterinarians) and clinical/medical social workers included as “medical school acceptances”

You also need to realize that any published med school success rate ONLY includes those students who persist as pre-meds all the way through college and actually apply to med school.

It’s estimated that between 60 - 75% of freshmen who identify themselves as pre-meds never actually apply to med school. Most drop off the pre-med path not because they can’t earn the high GPA needed for med school, but because they find different interests and passions along the way or because they decide they don’t want to postpone their lives for 8 to 15 years while they complete their medical training. (Medical training last longer than just the 4 years of medical school. There’s residency - 3-7 years–and fellowship–another 1-4 years after residency. One cannot get a medical license without completing a residency at the very minimum.)


Some great advise given already. Mine is look to see how many of their own are accepted into their med school. This is an indirect way of saying that it might make sense to go to a university that has a medical school and the medical school accepts many students from the undergrad program.

Even med schools that do give some preference for attached undergrads don’t accept ALL who apply. And this %age and number varies from year to year.

And even this won’t give this student a bit of information on their actual chances of acceptance.

In the case of undergrads matriculating into the associated med school—

it’s important to know if the undergrad hosts a BA/MD program which guarantees that undergrads in that program can enroll in the med school. That fact can skew in-house admission percentages by A LOT.

Brown, for example, accepts ~1/5 of its incoming MS1s thru PLME. Ditto for URochester and REMS.

Thanks 1b Adi NC. How/ where do you find that information ?

Well, YOU might say that, but in reality, in my state’s med school programs, that doesn’t happen.

“MIGHT” is the operant word here. It might not matter at all for some applicants…because these schools don’t accept 100% of applicants from the undergrad schools affiliated with them. They just don’t!

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Many/most med schools publish data on matriculated applicants. If you have a few schools in mind, it is easy to look up. FYI, ECU accepts between 12-20 students on an average.

Absolutely correct!
However, I know two programs in NC that accept several undergrads into their own med program – ECU and WFU. See my post above about ECU. I am not sure about Duke, UNC and Campbell (DO).

Several isn’t all….and actually is a small number. And cannot be used to predict anyone’s future acceptances at these schools.

Well that is why I said to look for ones that do! It is very clearly stated in my post.