<p>Need some ideas... for my senior year, I'm either gonna take AP Calculus (AB I think) or AP Statistics... I plan to go to a college where two years of calculus are required while your there... anyone know what i should take next year? </p>
<p>i've heard that caluculus is ridiculously hard but i need to be ready for it in college</p>
<p>since you want to go to places where calculus is required, then you might as well take it next year. and yes, i've heard that it's hard, but like you said yourself, you need to be ready for it in college. also, think about what would happen if you don't take Calc next year - you're not going to enjoy calc in college at all. </p>
<p>i'm a junior right now too, and i've decided to take calc next year, for reasons similar to yours..</p>
<p>people i know who are taking it currently say that it is difficult if you don't have good math skills- they say the subject itself isn't hard, you just need to have the ability to understand what you're doing really thoroughly, and "skimming the surface" of the material isn't enough...</p>
<p>...to sum that all up, i'd advise that you take calc :)</p>
<p>I would say take Calc AB and if possible BC, if you're going to take it college. It's better taking the course with only 20 people than taking it in as an introductory class with 500 freaking people. About the difficulty, I personally think it's easy. But I do see people struggling, but my partner who isn't good at math gets an A.(He tries really hard; he stays after school with the calc teacher literally everyday.) but he still gets an A.
oh forgot the conclusion.
take Calculus</p>
<p>Take AP Calc... its just a natural progression after algebra, trig, etc. Also, even if have to take two years in college, it is sure nice to know what you're doing in class rather then being completely lost. I know my algebra skills get rusty after I don't use them for a while and, from what I've heard, the actual math in AP Stat is very simple math... jumping right into calc in college could be hard.</p>
<p>I would consider AP Stats as more of an "elective" class than a core class. AP Calc is more of the "core" variety and would be a lot more beneficial, imo.</p>
<p>i'm a junior, having taken both this year... it's really up to you...</p>
<p>calc... whether it be ab or bc... is mroe for the pure math person, if u find math easy do calc... that said bc is a *****...
stat... still fun, but if u don't like writing lots don't take it...</p>
<p>even if you dont pass the AP cal test, it'll be easier to take it in college since you just had it for a year.</p>
<p>plus, isn't stats a step down from trig (assuming you're taking that this year)
stats is taught with college algebra in my school (both 1 semester)</p>
<p>take calc. It looks better, since it's next in the sequence. And from what my friends tell me, it's a pain in the butthole, and you'll have to work hard if you're not a math person, but it can be done</p>
<p>Sorry to hijack your thread, but do you think it is too late to begin studying for AP Stats? I really love math and am in Precalculus now, but my school doesn't offer AP Stats. Also, we had an integrated math program instead of alegbra I/geometry/etc. that taught us a little bit about statistics. Anyways I was just hoping that people on here who are taking AP Stats might be able to tell me if it is too late to self study AP Stats?</p>
<p>Statistics is an easy class. It's all calculator math with a lot of writing. The test is really easy (got a 5 in sophomore year), so you could just self study it. Calculus is much more difficult, so I would take either AB or BC (preferably BC because there is an AB subscore if you fail the test :) )</p>
<p>I'm doing cal right now (not AP or BC though)...we're only about 1/3 of the way through the term, and it seems to me like the easiest math course I've ever taken--very mechanical.</p>
<p>Stats is easy but relatively worthless. If you're going into engineering, you'll need a stats class so its kind of nice to take the AP test to get out of it in college. I took Stats and Calc BC my senior year. It wasn't that bad. If i chose I'd take calc, i'm sure more builds off of it..</p>