status change back to being reviewed

<p>application submitted in September-status was complete and being reviewed for months-of course the status was checked daily -just checked this morning and reverted back to being reviewed-anyone else have this-any insight?</p>

<p>not sure what you are saying? can you clarify without the use of dashes please?</p>

<p>Are you trying to say that a decision was made (like you were either accepted/denied), but now your status is back to still reviewing?</p>

<p>Sorry for the confusion. The application and all credentials were received by PSU in Sept or October. The first status was “your application has been received…” Then a few weeks later the status changed to “Your application is complete. We will inform you of a decision as soon as it is made.” Today the status changed back to “Your application has been received and is being reviewed. Thank you for applying to Penn State.”</p>

<p>oOk now i see what you are saying…well should be any day now cz u applied before nov 30th!!! if u are that concerned, simply call admissions and inquire…other than that GOOD LUCK!</p>


<p>Well, I hope that status change is better news for you than it was for me…I had that small change as well, from the 3 sentences down to the 2(thought it was odd!), and I bet it was the day my decision (or denial should we say) was made. It changed last Friday, and then on Monday, (i’m in NJ) I got the big white envelope with the letter saying they could not offer me summer or fall to UP, but to consider another campus. </p>

<p>But, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and good luck!!</p>