<p>Are there people who actually stay?</p>
<p>I am debating whether it's worth to go back home. It would cost me about $140-150. </p>
<p>If all the dining halls are closed how do people eat?</p>
<p>Are there people who actually stay?</p>
<p>I am debating whether it's worth to go back home. It would cost me about $140-150. </p>
<p>If all the dining halls are closed how do people eat?</p>
<p>simple, they eat out. International students will either stay at UVa or they will go home with a friend, otherwise the place will be pretty quiet. There’s not much to do then, if you know some people staying in town you all could go get a thanksgiving meal somewhere and watch a movie downtown or something.</p>
<p>yeah you should figure out the cost of food versus going home - you don’t have to eat out if you have access to a fridge and go to the grocery store before the buses stop running (i don’t know if they’re running over break, sometimes there’s holiday schedule which means they kind of run but less often). why will it cost so much to get home? there are a lot of ride shares which would mean gas would cost less if you’re okay not having a car at home… check out uloop [dot] com i get emails from them a lot saying they have carpools. brown kind of arranges its own carprools…</p>
<p>well i am oos student. are there carpools to other states?</p>
<p>dont see any responses on uloop</p>
<p>depends which state… i know ppl in brown go to wv, pa, ny, etc. :\ the train is that much money??? last time i went on the train to philly it was only $50 i think.</p>
<p>:( I’m paying about $140 to just get back to UVa from break. and college, i recommend going home. Even if it’s about $150, it’s worth it to see your family and chill for a few days and just be home. I thoroughly enjoy being lazy and fat at home. Seriously, go home. It’s worth it; not everything can be measured in money.</p>
<p>$50 to philly? I doubt it unless you got a really good discount.</p>
<p>honestly college, i doubt you’ll be able to get a train ticket now; it’s so late and whatever is available will be really expensive. If you bought your ticket way in advance, you might have been able to roundtrip philly for ~$100. Now, I’m betting that, if you find a seat, you’ll be paying more in the $250-$300 range. You might still be able to find a seat on Greyhound but the ride will be a long one.</p>
<p>we have a AAA discount and something else… i dunno my mom gets good fare then? we used to book way in advance.</p>
<p>Come over to the IRC. We’ll feed you. :)</p>
<p>Only applies if you live in Nova.</p>
<p>(And if you think your house is sweet.)</p>
<p>Uh, applies most places, not just NoVa. Unless you live in CA, WA, OR or other places that are a 6 hr or longer flight, it’s worth it. Thanksgiving is to be spent with your family.</p>
<p>If your family isn’t scattered across the nation/world/etc. I suppose.
I don’t know why I would pay 150 dollars to laze at home when I can do the same thing in my dorm!</p>
<p>its about 6 hrs.</p>
<p>Depends on your values, I know I’d much prefer to spend time being lazy at home, with my family who I haven’t seen since August, rather than sitting here doing nothing.</p>
<p>There’s also a difference between a 6 hr drive and a 6 hr flight. A 6 hr drive means you can probably car pool, and split between a couple people is only 3 hrs each and maybe $20/ea in gas.</p>
<p>Would you go back if you lived in Maine?</p>
<p>College: most people are leaving tomorrow or Wednesday, so you’re running out of options. Try posting to [HooHasIt.com</a> - UVA’s #1 Community for Students!](<a href=“http://www.hoohasit.com%5DHooHasIt.com”>http://www.hoohasit.com) and facebook and see what happens. Next time, I suggest booking train/plane way in advance, or working out a ride in early November. I would say that just about everyone goes home for Thanksgiving, except for international students, although even some of those people go home with their friends (that’s another option for you). Also, even though we don’t have off Monday/Tuesday, most teachers don’t care if you don’t show up to class, unless you have a test or something. Fall break is different, as a large number of people stay, especially OOS.<br>
galoisien: I have friends going back to Boston, St Louis, Florida, etc. Lots of people find Thanksgiving rewarding, especially if you haven’t been home for a hug and a home-cooked meal since August. If you’re not used to the Thanksgiving tradition, I can see where you’re coming from, though.</p>
<p>galoisien, canuck is from Canada. </p>
<p>and like canuck, I would MUCH rather be lazy and get fat in the comfort of my own home. Your dorm and house are completely different and it’s a different feeling. When I sleep in at UVa, I feel like I’ve wasted my time/the day (no matter how much I need the sleep) and I only have so many hours left to accomplish a bazillion things. At home, I sleep til 1 or 2 and have no regrets. I have access to my car which makes life so much easier and I get to see people I haven’t seen in months. And for me, having my parents around gives me a sense of security; I feel like I can relax more when they are around because in a way, I transfer the worries I have to them for the few days that I’m home. And it’s nice to be pampered. I’ve been giddy since Sunday just thinking about going home; it’s been a while.</p>
<p>I can’t wait to leave!!! 2 hours left. :D</p>
<p>college, I hope things work out for you. If you stay or go, good luck!</p>
<p>galoisien, I would go home to Maine. I think what shoe is saying is right, if you haven’t grown up with the Thanksgiving tradition, then going home for Thanksgiving may not mean the same thing to you. </p>
<p>db, having a car again will be amazing!!!</p>
<p>college and everyone, what ever y’all do, I hope y’all have a great Thanksgiving and if you don’t go home, make sure to talk to your family.</p>
<p>We used to celebrate it when I was younger. I was quite enthusiastic about it. </p>
<p>Then came that whole icky divorce thing.</p>