"Staying over" for the 1st day and a half of winter break

<p>So, basically I can't leave until the very early on the 14th. Has anyone tried turning in their keycard and then just hiding away in their dorm room for the first couple days of winter break? Does anyone actually come and check the rooms/roam the halls?</p>

<p>i doubt they check.</p>

<p>if they do, then westwood is quite friendly to those without homes.</p>

<p>"they' actually do check on friday night. if you must stay over until saturday morning, you can request a stayover at the front desk and pay a small fee.</p>

<p>$75 != "A small fee"</p>

<p>I think they shut off the electricity for the duration of winter break. Those intending to stay beyond Saturday stay in a separate facility, not their own dorm room.</p>

<p>^correct. seriously, you have to be out by friday night (depends on the hall, but i'd be gone by 6 pm) because every room is checked</p>