Hi everyone,
I’m recently accepted into the two-year conservatories at both schools.
(Evening conservatory at Stella Adler Studio of Acting & Two-year conservatory at Neighborhood Playhouse)
And I am having a difficult time deciding which would be the best fit for me.
Since my dream is to work in the industry, leaning more towards film and tv,
which studio do you guys think would be better for that?
Also, what are the performance/showcase opportunities at both places.
Does anyone know?
Thanks so much!! 
My daughter was accepted to both of those options too (but is going to Hartt). Both are very respected. But for what it’s worth, my daughter’s singing teacher (who is very knowledgeable about the acting scene as well) said that the evening Stella program tends to have less serious/experienced students than the daytime version. (That’s NOT a slam at any individual student! Just a general pattern she’d noticed.) She didn’t recommend my D going to the evening Stella for that reason. Again, just one person’s opinion, take it or leave it.
She said the faculty at both programs are excellent, and either would look impressive on a resume.
If my D hadn’t gotten into a BFA program she liked, she would have chosen Neighborhood Playhouse, only because, like you, she was put into the evening Stella because the daytime program was full, and her teacher didn’t recommend the evening one as highly as the daytime. If she’d gotten into daytime Stella, it would have been a much more difficult choice.
One of her classmates has chosen to go to Neighborhood Playhouse, and he is amazingly talented.
But look at the curriculum of each school, and the schedule, and see which appeals to you most.
Good luck!
Thank you so much for such a thorough response!! I’m leaning more towards Neighborhood Playhouse myself! Would you happen to know the amount of performance opportunities each studio has?
I don’t, I’m sorry! Maybe that info can be found somewhere on the websites?
The daughter of a close friend attended Neighborhood Playhouse but she did so after having a degree, which, when she was there at least, was typical. . She’s been very successful and is on the current season of A Handmaid’s Tale.
Thank you all so much!! I think I will choose Neighborhood Playhouse