Stem MBA or University Scholars program

<p>My DS will be studying ME this fall and is looking at both the Stem MBA program and the university scholars program. He’s not sure which one to try, if either. He’s not sure if he wants to go to grad school or med school after undergrad. Anyone have any experience with either of these? Do they need to decide freshman year or is there some wiggle room? Can they try it and drop it if they decide that is not the path for them? Thanks! </p>

<p>DS was just accepted in the University Scholars program for CS. You have to have 90 credit hours before you apply. I think for the MBA Stem program you do decide in your freshman year (I believe your student takes one class) but like anything, he can definitely drop it if its not for him.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that students can participate in a University Scholars program than the one for their undergraduate major. For example, some engineering undergraduates are University Scholars in subjects such as finance, statistics, and chemistry. </p>

<p>The STEM MBA program has required classes starting each year and would require a student to spend more than 8 semesters at UA. Depending on what your son wants to do as a career, it could be a good idea to get an MBA now or wait until he has 3-5 years of full time work experience.</p>

<p>While there are no penalties for dropping out of a certain program. UA faculty and staff work hard to make sure that students have the support services they need to stay in the given programs, but sometimes the student decides that they don’t want to complete that program.</p>

<p>DS was in this situation last year. He is doing the STEM MBA because you can’t opt in after freshmen year. He already knows some students who will be dropping out in favor of University Scholars.</p>

<p>The support, guest speakers and day trip tour options for STEM MBA have been wonderful even though DS has not taken advantage of 1/8 of it. The e-mail communication of opportunities is wonderful.</p>

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>I am not sure if I want to pursue business in addition to my engineering major. I probably want to go into research or graduate school; however, I do not have the ability to know as of now. I am an incoming freshman at Alabama and I was wondering if I should just apply to MBA anyway because I can’t do apply in the future and drop if I don’t feel this is right for me. I am more concerned about what my professors would see me as. For example, if a professor noticed that I quit STEM MBA and considered me as “a quitter” he/she wouldn’t write me a good recommendation…</p>

<p>Any advice? </p>

<p>UA works hard to make sure that students are able to discontinue their participation in certain programs without penalty. Professors don’t look up students’ transcripts unless they have a specific need to and even then, they’d understand how an 18-21 year old might decide that a specific program is not for them after taking a couple classes. Grad schools will like that you took additional courses and aren’t going to be concerned that you didn’t complete a program which they might not even know about. Unless you get bad grades in the classes, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>I will say that having a business background is useful for many majors. There are many different concentrations within the UA MBA program to choose from. Several professors in the business school have degrees in engineering or computer science.</p>

<p>I highly suggest you talk with Dr. Morgan about the STEM-to-MBA program. He’s a very nice guy.</p>

<p>Even if you decide not to participate in the STEM-to-MBA, do attend events at Business school (Bidgood Hall, Alston Hall, and the Bruno Library). </p>