STEM Path to MBA

<p>I thought there was a thread on here about this program, but can’t find it. </p>

<p>Has anyone on here done much research on the STEM Path to MBA at UA, or have any students that have applied or are currently taking courses? </p>

<p>Thanks for any info or thoughts you can offer!</p>

<p>The program just started this year and came as a surprise to many people. Many people would like the MBA Program to be available as part of the University Scholars Program, but currently it is only open to select STEM majors in the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering.</p>

<p>To the best of my knowledge, students pay for the required summer term and extra semester, but some financial aid may be available. Overall, it seems like a great program for those talented STEM majors that would like to get an MBA from UA and have room in their schedules.</p>

<p>Thanks Sea Tide. I guess they have started to send out emails to students starting at UA next year and I was trying to find out more about it.</p>

<p>Is the program selective (besides the emails sent out to only certain gpa act scores)? If so, when are students notified if they are accepted?</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama News STEM Path to MBA Offers Top Students Shorter Degree Path](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>[STEM</a> Path to the MBA](<a href=“]STEM”></p>

<p>I think that the hard part about looking at all of the specialty tracks like this ( and CBHP, UFE, Emerging Scholars, University Scholars, I am sure there are more!) is that there is no way to really plug in the credits you are entering UA with into DegreeWorks and see what is recommended to be able to complete any of them. And I have not seen any type of “pre-admission” advisor to help look at all of the options that are available and how they would work with the existing credits over a 4 year span. You may be able to enter existing credits in Degree Works for standard majors and determine the credits needed, but it does not seem to be capable of capturing the specialty tracks. I could be missing something though. </p>

<p>All of the programs sound great, I am not sure how kids can choose!</p>

<p>Thanks for the link to the article, M2CK, that is what I saw previously and could not find.</p>

<p>My D is in the program this year. She has Dr. Robert Morgan for her professor and the other class has another teacher Professor Bill Petty (a business instructor at Bama). The classes are an hour and a half per week. This term they are working on a class project. (I don’t know what it entails.)</p>

<p>When all of the students are chosen for the MBA class, the professors ask for the times when you can meet for class. Last term my D’s STEM-MBA class met Thurs night from 6-7pm or so. They will work around your schedule. There is a MDB member, many bio majors, baseball players, and others. So many schedules to work around. </p>

<p>I will say that she is so excited to be in the class and to be working toward her MBA. And of course she has made friends with the other students in the class. The teacher has hosted a few pizza parties outside of class so the group can get to know one another. </p>

<p>I was looking through old emails and she was definitely accepted into the program by July 26. The program is brand new for this year’s freshmen, so there is a lot we don’t know. If you have other questions, I can ask my D.</p>

<p>Thanks Cuttlefish!</p>

<p>Does anyone have updated information on this program?</p>

<p>Cuttlefish123 - My S is also in Dr. Robert Morgan’s STEM class as well as CBHP. I’m sure your D and my S know each other. So far my S is loving both programs. Also standing in a long line right now to interview for Co-op</p>

<p>savanna: They probably do know each other. Good luck to your son in his co-op interview!</p>

<p>Some info: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Scroll down to get a copy of all the courses.</p>

<p>Two quick questions - is this an automatic admission program for any kid that meets the requirements? (STEM major, test scores and grade cutoffs) Also, are we positive that this program will be continuing and available to Fall 2013 kids? I feel like I read somewhere that it was still in kind of an experimental mode, but maybe that was a while ago.</p>

<p>Lisa: the program will continue. UA is excited about the program.</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer to the other question.</p>

<p>My son (Freshman Engineering) is in the STEM/MBA program and loves it; the 1.5 hour weekly seminar with Dr. Morgan is his favorite course. In response to Lisa’s question above, no, there is no automatic admission. Frankly, the only reason my son is in the program is that I spent an afternoon after Bama Bound last year wandering around the Honors College and the business school asking questions and I learned about the STEM/MBA program for the first time. My sense is that it is being downplayed because it is such an attractive option for students and there are severe capacity constraints at this point. This is all speculative based on limited knowledge, but it is another feather in the cap for the Capstone and will hopefully gain traction and resources over time.</p>



<p>This is the language in the info about the STEM MBA program that I was talking about. It makes it sound like if you have the stats and are a STEM major, you can do it if you want to. I guess he should call Dr. Morgan and clarify whether that is the case or whether it will be another application process like CBHP where he might not get in.</p>

<p>Thanks Lisa. Please report back any info on the process. </p>

<p>I can’t be of much help since I think the process was different for the initial group of MBA students. My D was asked to join in June or July 2011. She does love the program though.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>