Step Stool

<p>Is a small step stool needed to reach if you want to store things on the top closet shelf or the top of the kitchen cabinets? Son is 6’ - can he reach there without one?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure your 6’ son wouldn’t need a step stool. Now my 5’3" daughter, she did :)</p>

<p>Have him sit on DS’s shoulders!</p>

<p>top closet shelf - yes. but i think we just used the desk chair.</p>

<p>top of kitchen cabinets - yes - i would usually use one of the living room chairs to get up there.</p>

<p>I used the desk chair or a living room chair whenever I needed to reach something. A 6’ guy will have very few issues with the high shelves.</p>

<p>Thanks for the answers. The step stool is one thing I saw many people buy at the Container Store sale the other day so it got me to wondering. Since NRDMOM has offered her son’s shoulders as an option I think this is one thing we can cross off the list of maybes.</p>

<p>The only caveat I will give about using the desk chair is that it’s designed to tip back slightly. If it tips when you’re using it to get up & down, and say you’re not the most graceful person on the planet, you can end up with some interesting bruises ;)</p>

<p>D1 is getting a substantial step stool this year.</p>

<p>Class2012Mom: Four engineers, one high shelf - they <em>better</em> be able to figure it out…</p>

<p>Solution to tipping desk chair - prop against wall or put something underneath the edges that allow it to tip. I’ve found that textbooks and door stops work well for this. Or learn to balance on it like a surfer, that’s fun!</p>