<p>This is great</p>
<p>ghahaha that was funny</p>
<p>"No one asked where I went to school"</p>
<p>I bet that just about killed a few people on this board =]</p>
<p>when the school you went to is on your resume, no one has to ask.</p>
<p>You can see the whole interview [url="<a href="http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_colbert_report/videos/celebrity_interviews/index.jhtml?start=145%22%5Dhere%5B/url">http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_colbert_report/videos/celebrity_interviews/index.jhtml?start=145"]here[/url</a>], if you're interested (there are three parts).</p>
<p>hahahaaah "pulled the ladder up...no one else try hard!!!!!"</p>
<p>^^ That's kind of what everyone WANTS to do...ya know?</p>
<p>but nobody admits to that...</p>
<p>true true. hey! you're going to asu! sooo pretty.</p>
<p>yup yup!!!!</p>
<p>XD. And to think, I bought my best friend that book for Christmas.</p>
<p>And she's so dead-set on going to Yale...</p>
<p>I thought the book was pretty good.</p>
<p>I'd recommend "When Will Jesus Bring the Pork chops" by George Carlin. A good laugh. Not really having to do with any of this 'college stuff', but a good book nonetheless.</p>
<p>^^? </p>
<p>Isn't your college on your resume? I mean, if I went to Yale it would be the first thing on my resume (possibly before my name).</p>
<p>Does anyone else think that instead of putting names on our resumes we should just have numbers that tell where we went to college and what degree we got? It would cut down on decisions based on race.</p>
<p>No no, because people would again point back to Affirmative Action and lodge complaints. I can imagine legions of Asians, marching in from a second-tier university and protesting their rejection from jobs as racist, and that now they didn't even have a chance at a decent job.</p>
<p>Well, I can picture my mother advocating that, anyhow.</p>