Stereotyping by College Major

<p>The local weatherman.</p>


<p>^Someone who is willing to do a lot of studying that does not require much thinking in order to become a doctor and work little later in life and just think about the trivial things in life with his or her philosophy background, but still maintain a decent salary of about 140k-160k.</p>

<p>Business and computer science</p>

<p>^Somebody that is probably average at writing code and doesn’t have the A personality to be successful in business management. Will get a job working in the IT department of some Fortune 500 company making $47,500 the first year.</p>

<p>Speech Communications</p>

<p>^ Someone who wants to go to college to simply either/or please one’s parents or just go to college since society deems it necessary. Will find out his or her degree is utterly useless and a waste of money especially in this poor economic time. Probably will end up going to a mediocre MBA program nobody has heard of. </p>

<p>Mathematical with specialization in computer science (but also focuses on pure mathematics) and physics with specialization in computational physics.</p>

<p>Nerdy and/or geeky. Goes to college to get a job and shuns liberal artsy majors.</p>

<p>creative writing (and/or anthropology?)</p>

<p>Wants to be a novelist but was forced by the rents to go to college, smokes clove cigarettes and only patronizes independent coffee shops</p>

<p>Public Health</p>

<p>Likes helping people, but too lazy/poor to continue to med school.</p>

<p>Girl in electrical engineering</p>

<p>“but too lazy” damn straight</p>

<p>Hmm girl in EE
 smart, outgoing lady who scares off all the guys in her EE classes because they’re not used to a smart woman who’s also socially adept</p>

<p>Straight male in Women’s Studies</p>

<p>A really sensitive guy who is not good looking. He is socially awkward and his only chance at a relationship would be by taking this class.</p>


<p>Liked biology but wanted a job. </p>

<p>Cognitive science</p>

<p>Someone who is slightly geeky enough to get involved in science but will hang around with the humanities majors and smoke pot with them.</p>

<p>Philosophy, Economics, Political-Science.</p>

<p>Wants to bring communism to the world</p>

<p>Family Science</p>

<p>Missed Childhood</p>

<p>Womens studies+ Mathematics</p>

<p>Will end up dropping the “Womens Studies” Bachelor’s from her resume in the future and just stick with “Mathematics”.</p>

<p>Construction Management</p>

<p>Started as engineering, but failed a few classes, ended up hating engineering and decided CM was easier and classes already taken count toward the major
 however, doesn’t care for construction. Will regret in 3 years not sticking with engineering.</p>

<p>Science and Technology Studies.</p>

<p>Was babysat by the television as a child, and now wants to be prepared when robots take over the world.</p>

<p>Marine Biology</p>

<p>getting paid for vacations.</p>

<p>molecular biology</p>

<p>med school aspirations</p>

<p>Scandinavian Studies</p>

<p>Is Scandinavian.</p>

<p>Middle Eastern Studies.</p>

<p>Is Middle Eastern.</p>

<p>Chemical Engineering.</p>