Stern Honors Program for Seniors

<p>I don't know if I'll get into this program, but I'm planning out my schedule. There is a required Honors Seminar and a Honors Thesis class that have to be attended fall and spring of senior year. Are these 2 classes for credit? If so, how many? Also, can you apply the graduate courses that you can take towards your major? Usually how many credits are these graduate courses? Thank you.</p>

<p>Why are you even asking this? what's wrong with you? I don't know if you know this, but there is fresh air and sun outside of your house. Check it out.</p>

<p>Hey Last2Acnts:</p>

<p>Why don't you learn to either give a decent answer or don't bother posting. Witty, your not.</p>

<p>Thank you, stop being a d-i-c-k Last2Acnts; This kid doesn't even know me, and he's making assumptions about what I do and who I am. Dude, just because I have initiative and motivation doesn't make me a loser. I'm double majoring in Math and Finance, and minoring in philosophy, so I'm basically using up all my credits, and I'll still go over by 3 or 4 credits. So I have to take everything into consideration and plan out all my courses or I won't be able to fullfill course requirements.</p>

<p>You're the one that needs fresh air, and a life too, if your hobby is going on forums to criticize others</p>

<p>last2acnts - If you're going to be an A-hole on these forums, you atleast have to come up with wittier statements as HSsenior said.</p>

<p>njchino - You really don't need to worry about this now, any planning now will go out the window once you learn more. BTW if you did a math and finance major with a minor in philosophy you'd be going over by about TWENTY credits. Keep in mind if you want to take a Major in CAS it's usually about 9 4-credit classes and they very rarely let you overlap credits (aka may not even let you use calc 1/stats towards math major); whereas a major in Stern is 4 3-credit classes.You won't be able to do a cross school major, and a minor. Further more that major is pretty pointless, as you'll find out when you learn more about finance/business careers. If you want a wall street job ( which you will, even if you don't currently) you're much better off doing accounting or or IT or IB one notch below (I have marketing as my double major)</p>

<p>I already received a financial aid extention of up to 144 credits. I might still be going over by 3-4 depending on some other factors such as this Senior Honors program, but that's ok. I don't care about an extra $3-4k. But you say math is pointless? No offense, but you have no idea what you're talking about. I really don't care for IBD, but am looking to go into S&T either as a trader or structurer, where math is probably more important than finance. So, I know what I'm talking about and what I'm doing. I just need everything to be planned out carefully so I don't end up not being able to fit all course requirements.</p>

<p>and sorry, but accounting must be the most dry and boring area of study</p>

<p>Yes I'm only sitting in my finance internship at BlackRock right now, I know nothing. </p>

<p>at BEST you need Calc1 as a trader, even then the computer will do everything for you. Unless you're a quant (which you won't be straight out of undergrad from nyu), you won't use anything beyond simple math, and thus a waste of time. Trading is about understanding the markets/people, not about upper-level math...go ask Meriwether</p>

<p>Um, wrong again. Ever heard of derivatives or exotics? Equities are dead, which is probably what you're referring to. Look, I'm not trying to be an a-hole, but I know what I'm talking about, trust me. Although traders don't utilize math as much as structurers, their quantitative reasoning has to be top-notch, even the equity traders. You're not going to get that kind of preparation studying accounting. I agree with you that accounting will help for a banking job, but that's not what I'm looking for. And dude, don't brag about Blackrock. At first, I thought you said Blackstone.</p>

<p>In addition, people who study history can be traders and bankers, so yeh, you don't have to study math. But then again, those kind of people are just really bright and can pick things up quickly.</p>

<p>I love when High Schooler's try to get pompous with me</p>

<p>"do you know what derivatives and exotics are"</p>

<p>...My department handles swaps, so I think that maybe - just maybe - I know more than a HS'er who thinks he's top ***** because hes read a few books. </p>

<p>and again, you don't need ANY upper level math skills to deal with even the most exotic/convoluted derivatives ( i dont know why you would even seperate derivatives and exotics, when exotics are a sub category of derivatives....) You need to be able to do algebra and quick mental calculations (being a math major wont give you this), but you certainly do not need calculus 3 or linear Alegebra or any of that cr*p (what being a math major will give you)...ever think theres a reason almost no other Sternies double major in Finance and Math? Think you're smarter than them? nope, think again, you're an arrogant idiot.</p>

<p>The reason people do accounting is because it helps with the understanding of EBITDA, cash flows, income statement etc, which is necessary for a trader (although this might not apply to you depending on type of derivatives). Unlike math, it has a tangible benefit. Statistics and Actuary for the same reason, it enables you to better calculate risk (although computer/research will do this for you), but again upper level math is not needed, but instead a specific set of math/formulas that apply to the finance world (if you want to do derivatives, double major in finance/actuary or finance/stats). You're going to be learning 99% useless junk that you will never use as a trader, and the other 1% they'd teach you on the job anyways. Also you're going to be taking 20 credits a semester, you will either have no social life or you won't get good grades...I know that you're an arrogant prick, but its not the walk in the park you seem lto be thinking it's going to be.</p>

<p>I used "or" not as a seperator, you moron, it was meant to point out examples. Since you probably never took anything beyond calc I, let me enlighten you. Ever heard of black sholes? Stochastic processes? The most basic derivatives require knowledge of differential equations and calc-based probability to do pricing models. I'm not going to argue with you anymore, and I'm not in high school, I'm a rising sophomore, and I worked at Lehman Brothers as an accounting intern this summer so I know how much accounting sucks. Please don't reply with your retarded answers; if you know anything about trading/structuing you would not be making your ridiculous responses. Btw, almost all structurers on Wall St. are math/physics or engineering majors. So stop with your crap and bragging about your backoffice internship at Blackrock.</p>

<p>And I already mentioned, yes, you don't need to be a math major to do trading. Do you need accounting to be a banker?</p>

<p>do YOU have any idea how you would use Black scholes ( which you don't, its outdated) as a trader? You USE the formula, you don't make it. You know jack **** about trading, as I assumed, all the knowledge you have is from finance books that everyone has read, which is why you sound like such an idiot. See below. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>omg, you're seriously retarded. Of course you don't derive Black Sholes as your job as a trader. You don't reconcile balance sheets as banker either, do you? You bring up a thread from a year ago with books, in which half are about ibanking and not about trading. In addition most of those books are anecdotes, not academic books. Please go read Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John C. Hull or anything on financial engineering, stochastic processes, or financial math. I guarantee you will not understand anything in there because you haven't taken anything beyond Calc I.</p>

<p>This argument is pointless. You're telling me a math major is useless when a person is pursuing trading/structuring while every trader I've talked to recommends I at least minor in th because of math level of quantitative ability that is required of the job. Please stop embarrassing yourself. You ever heard of Jim Simons, arguably the most successful trader/hedge fund manager in the industry today, BS and pHD at MIT.</p>

<p>and swaps, depending on what you're doing are not necessarily exotic, for example CDSs. Forget this whole argument. I realize now that we just think differently. You believe in having the bare minimum but I believe in being as well-prepared as possible for my career. Of course what you learn isn't directly applicable to your job, but that doesn't mean it's not beneficial, otherwise like you said, Calc I is all that's needed, a high school kid can be a trader or banker.</p>

<p>Can you read? I never said swaps were exotic, or even came close to implying that. My whole point was that those books are anecdotes, anecdotes that you are extrapolating to represent trading, when they do not show an accurate picture. But ya this is pretty pointless, have fun with Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John C. Hull or anything on financial engineering, stochastic processes, or financial math.</p>

<p>But on a side note, why are you smart enough to do upper level math, but not smart enough to shoot your adviser an email with the question, instead of posting in a forum that's 99% HS students.</p>

<p>Um...because Stern advisers are almost useless; every time I've made an appointment with questions, they've asked me to go to another department for help. Besides, it's the summer, so I figure most of them are on vacation.</p>

<p>Email <a href=""></a> i don't know if that's the correct email address but I've gotten quick responses during the summer.</p>