Still haven't received Financial aid..hurt chances?

<p>I still haven't received financial aid from UM, when I emailed them they said it will be available shortly, but does this mean I'm going to receive the crummy end of the stick when it comes to financial aid and not get a good package?</p>

<p>I haven’t received mine either. And unfortunately, yes the more late u apply, the less you’ll get bc the school will have given their money away to early applicants. But we don’t know for sure so we will wait and see.</p>

<p>Oh I applied as a transfer early and got accepted feb 28. So i don’t know what is taking so long.</p>

<p>I applied kind of early through Early Action and I haven’t heard back for financial aid. Other people from my school that also applied EA got all of their financial aid information, so I guess it’s based on merit</p>

<p>hayekchristy and bugger, have you tried calling the Financial aid office yet? For such an important event, don’t rely on anecdotes from this site or wait for an email from Miami’s finaid office. Call them at 305-284-5212 - 8:30 - 5:00 EST Monday-Friday.
Call today!!</p>

<p>Also, are you SURE you submitted the 2011-2012 FAFSA form? You should be able to check online and you also should have received a letter in the snail box from them confirming that your form was processed and providing your EFC number. I have heard stories of students submitting the 2010-2011 form by mistake…</p>

<p>I would think if you beat the EA deadline, you should defininely have heard by now…

<p>I was accepted EA too. FAFSA was in, on like the first week the 2011-2012 form came out, and i havent heard anything yet eitherrr</p>

<p>305-284-5212 - 8:30 - 5:00 EST Monday-Friday</p>

<p>i also applied as transfer in nov, got acceptance letter feb 28th and filled out fafsa in January. And i have heard nothing about financial aid. I called them and they said it should come out some time this month…</p>

<p>I received my finaid today. Only got the University Scholarship… but nothing else, not even federal grants. </p>

<p>Aren’t they automatically included? 0.o</p>

<p>Same here Crador, I submitted my 2011-2012 FAFSA yesterday (my mistake submitting the wrong one) and I got my financial aid information today.</p>

<p>It doesnt look good, only have the bright futures and fl resident grant on mine.</p>

<p>Miami gave me horrible FA too, even with an EFC of 0…</p>

<p>Miami is the same as many schools.They only have a limited amount of Financial aid available. It is best to apply at least early action and to do your FASA as early as possible!</p>

<p>I submitted my FAFSA back in february, every other university I was admitted to gave me financial aid on time…</p>

<p>I was under the impression (EFC 0) that I was at least entitled to federal funds… as they are, you know, from the government, and not the school…</p>

<p>Was I wrong to assume that I am entitled to federal grants?</p>

<p>I’m a transfer student. I had called the office of financial aid a few times and they kept saying “next week” or “soon”. I just emailed today and i got this as a reply</p>

The transfer students award packages have not yet gone out. It is expected to go out within the next week or two.”</p>

<p>I dont know why they didnt say that before. Is that true?</p>

<p>Has any transfer gotten their aid package yet?</p>

<p>My daughter is a sophomore and she does not have FA yet either. It is really late this year.</p>

<p>Got my updated package today. In addition to the University Scholarship they handed me a Coral Grant (12.6K) and the Pell (5.55K). Don’t lose hope, good FA may still be on it’s way!</p>

<p>I attended the accepted student orientation this past Sunday afternoon and the Financial Aid people told me that the transfers should be getting their financial aid packages later this week/early next week. They also admitted the office is running late this year.</p>

<p>I applied for FASFA before March 1st which was the deadline. I recently had to submit more information to UM directly like the florida proof of residency, etc. They haven’t updated myum since last week and when I call/email, they tell me if they haven’t updated it on myum, then it hasn’t been updated on their records either.</p>

<p>I guess we’ll all have to hang in there and see. I check it every day, sometimes twice a day.</p>

<p>any transfers get an aid package or scholarships yet? scholarships come in a different letter than the acceptance letter for tranfers right?</p>

<p>I am a transfer, still waiting on financial aid. I emailed admissions a few weeks ago and asked about scholarships. They said they had already sent out scholarship offers.</p>

<p>^ rJm497 - not sure if transfer student packages are prepared differently but the EA and RD students received their scholarship letters in the same envelope with their acceptance information.</p>