Stony Brook or Binghamton for pre-med

Hi! So the deadline to commit is around the corner and I’m still very conflicted between these two colleges.

Money - I got aid from both so they will cost around the same for me

Programs - I got into the university scholars program in SB. In bing, I got into university scholars and freshman immersion program

SB is a STEM school while Bing is a liberal arts school. And if I’m on my way to med school, would choosing between these colleges affect my chances?

I’m out of state so I’ll have to dorm and I wanted your opinions on college life. I’ve heard that SB is very dead on the weekends and since I won’t be able to go back home every weekend I don’t know if I’ll fit in. I really want to make friends since I’m going to be far from home and I’m a little worried I won’t be able to. Bing, as I’ve heard, is very lively and sociable and has plenty of opportunities to get involved.

But I read that a couple days ago someone got stabbed inside their dorm room at Bing so I’m seriously questioning the safety aspect.

I really hope someone can help me make my decision.

You probablt can’t go wrong with either. Binghamton has a higher than average acceptance rate for med school. There are also wonderful research opportunities there. Having family who went to both schools, Binghamton has more of a social life on weekends, while Stonybrook does, if you are involved in Greek life.