Stony Brook University: What are my Chances?

I'm currently a senior in Nebraska and in the process of applying for SB, well actually waiting for a few recommendations to be submitted. I applied through the common app, was that a good way to do it? Also here are my credentials
GPA: 3.0
ACT: 22
I am a state champion in one act, state runner up in golf, 5th place entertainment speaker at state in speech, 3 time conference basketball champs, lieutenant governor of girl's state, state qualifier in tennis, president in FBLA, dancer, cheerleader, student council rep, letterman club rep, and many more volunteer hours.
With my complete resume, what are my chances? This college would be an awesome opportunity!</p>

<p>I dont think you have a good chance at getting in. Your act score is way below the average.</p>

<p>TrynaMakeIt, I wrote a very good essay and stellar reccomendations, would that increase my chances? Also retaking ACT</p>

<p>If you got your act up to at least a 25 I would say you have a good chance. You have pretty good ec’s and a great essay would increase your chances.</p>

<p>You have a really big benefit- You’re considered in the same pool as Minorities because you’re from nebraska. I’m confident you have a pretty solid chance seeing as you’re from nebraska. Colleges realize education isn’t big in places like that and they try to be able to say that they have students from EVERYWHERE in the US so they accept people who genuinely do not have those scores. You will benefit ridiculously from being from nebraska so- ya. I think contrary to the guy above me, you actually do stand a fighting chance.</p>

<p>Define what you mean by minorities?</p>