<p>Well, I finished my first transfer year at Stanford—woo hoo!</p>
<p>I really love the place, and have learned and grown a lot in the past year. I am extremely grateful for the chance to attend, and think I´ve done my best to get as involved as possible, etc. on campus. </p>
<p>But I´m having a bit of a quandary because I´m thinking that I´m not making the most of my time there academically and am not sure if I should take some time off now(before I use up more of my financial aid quarters) or after I graduate or before I do a masters or… ?</p>
<p>Here are the issues:</p>
<li>I´m studying abroad this summer in a Spanish-speaking country right now and loving it. I´m attending a language school for part of the summer and am gaining tremendously in fluency while being more relaxed and happy than I have been in a very long time. I want to perfect my understanding of Spanish and then learn another language. I enjoy learning languages like nothing else, and I want to make sure that I don´t miss the opportunity to study/work abroad because I get tied down to a job/boyfriend/etc. </li>
<p>Perhaps now is the right time to go, I tell myself. Stanford will be there next year, lots of students stop out to do interesting things etc. My heart feels like I should go NOW! (Well, actually, return to this study abroad in September after I get some other things done.)</p>
<li>I am kind of floundering in my major. I thought I loved Economics, but it´s taught in a very mathematical (rather than conceptual) way at Stanford and I just got my first C. I´m not sure if I should stay in Economics or pursue something else, and I´m afraid of wasting financial aid quarters figuring this out. I want to go to law school, so grades (but not major) are important. I could take some time off, practice Spanish for a few months and then learn another language. </li>
<p>Then, I might come back refreshed for Economics, or with a better idea of what else I might do (International Relations, maybe?). I also like psychology, and the cool interdisciplinary major Stanford has called Human Biology (kind of a mix of biology, psychology, sociology, and anthropology, with a huge self-defined component to the major—and I´m a self-defining kind of gal). </p>
<li>I signed up for a lot of really cool things at the end of the year (a radio show, campus club positions, etc.), that start in Fall. Someone else can certainly do them (i.e., I don´t think I´ll be letting anyone down big-time) and other opportunities will come along, but I <em>did</em> say I´d do them and I do have some interest in completing them.</li>
<p>I guess my big fear is that if I don´t go now, I´ll never do this. And I want very, very much to take a year abroad. I didn´t get a chance to have a gap year (I had a long and checkered history before transferring to Stanford), but I really wanted one. Also, I´m concerned that since I´m a bit older than the traditional student, I`ll get settled into something and never go.</p>
<p>Any advice from the wise ones among us?</p>