<p>What kind of stores does Ithaca have? </p>
<p>Does it have Wal-Mart, Best Buy?
What kind of clothing shops do they have?
Do they have any camera shops?</p>
<p>What kind of stores does Ithaca have? </p>
<p>Does it have Wal-Mart, Best Buy?
What kind of clothing shops do they have?
Do they have any camera shops?</p>
<p>Easy access through bus to Target, Best Buy, WalMart, etc. I believe there is an Old Navy in the mall, but I don’t really pay attention to clothing shops. Another poster might be able to provide better information for that. I think there’s a Ritz Camera center in Ithaca.</p>
<p>the mall isn’t very big. in fact, the selection there is pretty dismal - go to syracuse if you have a need for a BIG mall. otherwise, just go randomly through the commons and you’ll find some pretty sick shops (for clothing, camera, head shops, anything really)</p>
<p>target is easiest to access to in terms of bussing…</p>
<p>wal-mart does have a bus but it runs about every hour and not too convenient (it is if you have a car though)</p>
<p>clothing: old navy, gap, ae, aeropostale, pac sun (i think)
[Welcome</a> to The Shops at Ithaca Mall](<a href=“http://www.theshopsatithacamall.com/]Welcome”>http://www.theshopsatithacamall.com/) for a full list of stores</p>
<p>there is a dicks, borders, ac moore, best buy</p>
<p>I know when I went on the tour at Cornell my guide said the closest real shopping mall was about an hour away by car near Syracuse. Im not sure about other stores though.</p>
<p>stop hating on the Shops at Ithaca Mall! I don’t know what sorts of malls you guys require but I love it! I thought it was going to be really lame before I visited (probably from reading here) and I was in fact extremely impressed!
there are plenty of nice clothes places from Bon-Ton to Aeropostale, you can get warm clothes at Dicks, books at Borders, and all sorts of things at Target! when I went there were lots of people around too, which I consider a relevant indicator in quality. anything I could need in a mall setting I could find there.</p>
<p>I don’t really know what benefit you’d get from going up to Carousel-- in my opinion, certainly not anything worth traveling an hour for. if it adds any credibility, I grew up shopping at Carousel, so I am quite aware of the offerings.</p>
<p>Are there movie theaters in Ithaca?</p>
<p>Yeah, there are a few. I actually went to a movie with my hosts’s friends.</p>
<p>best buy is in the mall (north ithaca) and walmart is off of north meadow i believe (south ithaca). but there is a tops right near the mall that may substitute your walmart needs.</p>
<p>most of your typical clothing stores are here, as well as those good ol’ athletic stores for your sporting attire/equipment needs. </p>
<p>camera shops? never been to solely camera shop, i don’t think.</p>
<p>there is a movie theater at the mall</p>
<p>The clothing offerings at the mall and the commons are very bleak. I brought a lot back after fall break, and I’m planning on getting much more over thanksgiving now that I have a good idea of what I need. I also do a lot of online shopping.</p>
<p>the movie theater in the mall was just rebuilt last year so it’s really nice…
a lot of people just shop online since its so easy but all the aforementioned stores are just a 15 min bus ride away</p>
<p>I love how some people say the mall has everything, and others say it has a horrible selection</p>
<p>its very easy to get to the mall, but to be honest most of what they sell is kind of a joke. I would be very hard pressed to find anything other than underwear from victorias secret that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to wear outside my room.</p>
<p>Frankly, I am at a loss for for what one would possibly need that you can’t find in Ithaca.</p>
<p>Our generation will learn a lot about what is a necessity and what is just a frivolous, gluttonous waste in the coming years.</p>
<p>coming from one of the best shopping areas on the east coast (with 6 huge malls within a 15 mile radius), i would say that the mall does not have a good selection, but its still okay. as long as it has ae and old navy, im fine. it just kinda weirds me out that there is an ac moore and a target IN the mall! lol</p>
<p>The mall has all the basics and everything that you could possibly “need” while in Ithaca. Do your major shopping over breaks. Online shopping is always fun when you need a break from writing a paper AND you have a whole floor or suite worth of girls who you can ask “hey, do you like this top?” before you buy it lol</p>
<p>coffeeee: i can summarize the two attitudes for you.</p>
<p>crazed shoppers won’t be happy here. if youre one of those people that walks out of the mall with bags and bags of stuff every time, if your closet is literally vomiting up all the **** you have, if you find clothes around that you never knew you had or ever wore before, youll hate the shopping here.</p>
<p>if you only really have what you need and not much more, even if you dabble in trendy name brands, everything you need is here. and its in a compact place, making it even more appealing.</p>
<p>in short, girls find the shopping inadequate, guys find the shopping adequate, lol</p>
<p>On the other hand, four years in Ithaca might do this type of person a lot of good.</p>