Stories about getting into UC’s

Hey guys! This is just a thread where I would like to hear about how you guys got into a UC school including what your essay was about, your test scores, extracurriculars, class rigor, etc. I wanna see what it takes to get admitted into a UC because I hope to attend UCB or UCLA in the next couple years. Thank you for your stores :slight_smile:

How about checking the decision threads for the UC’s so you get an idea.

There is no secret formula to get into the UC’s although competitive test scores, UC GPA, interesting and many times compelling essays and EC’s showing your passion are important.

Something to get you started:

The freshman class profiles from the UC site will give you a feel. You need to be above the mid point on all your stats to be a solid applicant.

General guidelines, IMO, for being a very solid candidate for UCB/UCLA - 3.9+ unweighted GPA in 10th and 11th grade, 1500+ SAT or 34+ ACT, 8+ AP classes taken by end of 12th grade, 2 or more leadership positions. Higher test scores along with perfect or near perfect Subject test scores for many STEM majors. Obviously many people will not have all of these stats, and do get in, including my own kid. Hooks, good extracurriculars, strong essays, and other family circumstances can make up a little bit for grades and test scores.

I think @ProfessorPlum168 is spot on. With 100K+ applicants you really need to shine in course rigor, UC GPA, test scores, and ECs with strong essays; especially if applying to impacted majors. @skieurope loves to say that it’s not an “arms race” to see who can take the most AP/IB classes but for schools like UCB/UCLA it definitely matters as there are just too many in-state qualified applicants looking for an affordable, top 25 college to attend.