My kids both have "stuff" they need to store for just one month, when we are travelling (& their places are between leases). They have clothes, some computer stuff, a couch & some chairs, a double bed. They only need to store things for one month before my D's apartment is available. Anyone with a great suggestion?</p>
<p>I already suggested he ask friends if he can stash their stuff at a friend's apartment for a month & he hasn't tried very hard, yet. We also have a friend who lives in San Marino, but that is not so near USC & seems silly to haul it so far only to haul it back again.</p>
<p>Would love any suggestions. S originally thought a storage unit, but I told him I doubt any of them would be interested in them renting for just one month anyway.</p>
<p>Thanks for anyone with thoughts & experience.</p>
<p>I had a similar situation when my son was moving between Navy bases and needed to store his stuff for a month. Public Storage had a deal where you could rent a unit and the first month was free, with no committment. So we took the free month then canceled on the way out after picking up his stuff. It seems kind of shady, but their deal is their deal. The manager was fully aware of our situation and did not seem to mind, but he was ex-Navy himself. This was in Seattle about 18 months ago, so it may not be availalble now in LA.</p>
<p>My youngest two are a graduate student and a junior undergraduate at USC, and every summer have had similar problems. It was always easy to find a local friend who would allow them to park their stuff in their parents’ garage, or a friend’s vacant apartment, etc., for the summer, so maybe if the Public Storage thing is not available your S should try a little harder.</p>
<p>Check out A-American Self Storage. Located across the 110 from campus. I used them for 1 month because I had a 2 week gap between summer and fall housing. This was a few years back, but it can’t hurt to try.</p>
<p>Thanks for these tips; if S doesn’t find something soon, I’ll forward them on to him. We’re pleased he found a place to live rent-free over the summer & keep an eye on his & his sister’s stuff!</p>
<p>I don’t know if they rent for a month, but there is a storage place right on Hoover underneath the 10 freeway, which is around 20th street. Its a mile north of campus.</p>
<p>Thanks–have given S some suggestions. Public Storage has an on-line add and price for $1 for the 1st month & regular rate thereafter with NO minimum (but terms & conditions apply). I told S to give them a call & find out waht ther “terms & conditions” are & make a prompt reservation so he can figure out what he’s going to do (he does have a lot of “stuff” that he’s accummulated over his past few years in LA & they will pay to ship him to his job in VA).</p>
<p>The A-American Storage will be just about $120 for 1 month, so that’s another option. AT least we’re getting him engaged in the process.</p>
<p>I would def. go with the storage unit if possible. S2 allowed a couple of kids to store some “stuff” in his off campus house last summer. S2 and another roommate were there for the summer. The “stuff” stored turned out to be more than S2 expected. The “stuff” was in the room that the backdoor (main entrance for them) opened into. There were college friends in and out all summer. The stuff got pushed around/rearranged to make room for various guests during the summer. The stuff turned out to be a nuisance. </p>
<p>I don’t think anything was damaged but after seeing the big jumble of stuff in that house, I wouldn’t have wanted my stuff to be there!</p>
<p>Thanks–S has acquired a considerable amount of “stuff” in his nearly 4 years in LA & plans to move it to VA when he starts his new job. He just has a gap in leases for 1 month and wanted to store things for that month before he can move into the new place. He can occupy the new place for the summer until mid-August & hopefully will have it moved to VA thereafter.</p>
<p>I am having him explore options. This will be the 1st year he will have to find an official place to stash his stuff. Last year, his leases overlapped. This year, there’s a gap between the end of his lease & beginning of D’s!</p>
<p>Thanks–at the moment, S is planning to call Public Storage. They have a $1 for 1st month special going on at the moment & it says no contracts, no commitments. A American Storage is only about $100 for 1 month, which would also work OK. Will see if that includes just letting him have the unit for $1 for just one month. We may spend a lot more time this graduation visit with helping S move than expected. Hopefully many of his friends will still be around & at least help him get his stuff into his storage unit. Boys can be very useful! Will see what else S comes up with, but at least I’ve started him thinking about it.</p>