Story of my 3 Asian classmates and 1 friend from my area (including myself)

<p>You three may be finalists, but you are not scholars. Attend Rice, they’ll annoint you and may give you $1K per year too!</p>

<p>mini - how old is the study? i dont disagree that there are 4 times those qualified as admitted but then the whole point of this thread seems to be that there are actually 20 times those applying and I would nt doubt for a minute that at least 95% of the applicants feel qualified and I see no reason they should nt feel that way. </p>

<p>I think the possibilities have changed since 2006 because the amount of aid has been increased quite a bit at least at Harvard and Priceton. </p>

<p>My family went on the proverbial college visit tour last summer. There were several different simultaneous presentations at Harvard and our specific room, three young ladies were doing the presentation, two of them students and one an ex student (may be current too at a masters/phd level but she did say her husband was still in graduate school) who is the official presenter and a dorm mom or whatever they are called at Harvard. The two students said they were both receiving almost complete aid from Harvard and one of them said she was from Sacramento and when she compared her package from a state school vs Harvard, it was a lot cheaper to attend Harvard since state schools were not considering her room and board costs. The other current student said she was also getting a large aid package at which point the dormmom said in a slightly resentful manner that the current crop of students are lucky because when she went to college 5 years ago, Harvard was nt as nice and she has accumulated huge amounts of student loans that she had to repay. It was also interesting how Harvard arranged these three presenters - One Caucasian, one Asian and one African American. When we walked out, the rest of the rooms seemed to have similarly distributed race profile presenters since they were the same people taking us on the tours. </p>

<p>OTOH may be they are all Kazakhis that cant get in.</p>

If I were the Ivy regional admissions officer for your area, and had all 4 apps in front of me, how would yours stand apart from your 3 friends?</p>

<p>Bovertine: I got the term “threshold” from Harvard’s Dean Fitzsimmons. Where did you go to school anyway?</p>


Not really, since it seems to me that the admissions decisions are being made before many of the scholarships are being awarded. Also, if 20more, or any given applicant for that matter, is from a family wealthy enough to pay cash, why should the student have to get outside scholarships? In as much as there are MANY students who actually NEED that money, would it not be just as good to let others compete for them?</p>

<p>While you are denying that the acceptable candidate has to be insufferably perfect, in what way would he/she not be “perfect”? and wouldn’t that flaw/imperfection be manifested in his application/letters of recommendation, etc., and therefore lead to his NOT being an acceptable candidate?</p>

<p>Here’s my advice to the OP: Stop concentrating on what you perceive to be an anti-Asian bias among the Ivy adcoms; pick one of the other superb, highly selective schools you did get into; and move on. What I mean by “move on” is that you should think about the opportunities to learn and grow as a person that you will have at one of the superior schools that has accepted you. (And that you would have, were you willing and open, at any institution of higher education.)</p>

<p>I think a lot of the posters on this thread–on both sides–actually on multiple sides of several issues–are assuming too much.
First, the OP and some people supporting his view are assuming that his piece of data means that Asians are being discriminated against at the Ivies. It may not mean that at all.
But too many others are assuming that it can’t be true that Ivies are choosing to limit the numbers of Asian admits in order to keep their numbers down. It certainly could be true–indeed, holistic admissions was essentially invented in order to do exactly that to Jews. So holistic admissions could be having that effect on Asians now–and furthermore, it might not even be intentional.
Also, I never assume that anybody is telling the truth (or the whole truth) about what they are doing, why they are doing it, what their underlying intentions are, etc.</p>


I’m waiting for the link. If you can provide me with a link showing Dean Fitzimmons stating that nobody under 2200 need apply, I will tell you that information you crave - Where I went to school. Although I’ll let you in on a little secret - I’ve actually accomplished a good deal in life after I left school.</p>

<p>I still won’t believe it’s an absolute threshold, because, believe it or not, I can think apart from what Dean Fitzimmons has to say. I already read some 5 parter in some magazine where he answered questions and I don’t believe he said you have to have a 2200 to be admitted. But that’s only Harvard anyway.</p>

<p>BTW - Where did you go to school? THat information would be very useful to me. And is there a particular reason you seem to pop up and argue every time somebody brings up URM preferences? They need to get over it, and so do you.</p>

<p>Rice also gives out large merit scholarships and so does Chicago. OP never mentioned what financial incentives he received from other schools and so not sure why that is being dragged in to insult him further?</p>


As others have said, it isnt just about the numbers. What was the award one of you won? And as for other scholarships-- yes there are TONS of them!! Look up Fastweb to see a list, not to mention the biggies like Coca Cola, Toyota, Gates Millenium and several listed here: [Other</a> Major Scholarships and Competitions - College Confidential](<a href=“]Other”>Other Major Scholarships and Competitions - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>What were your EC’s? leadership positions? Jobs? Community service? What makes you unique? What besides scores do you and your friends bring to a college/university? Why should thay have picked you and your friends over the other kids with similar stats?</p>

<p>JYM I suspect this has to do with who else got picked from OP’s school rather than anything else since he does mention there are people going to Ivies from the school.</p>

<p>Bovertine: First you want me to school you, and now you want me to do your homework too!</p>

<p>I attribute our snakyness this morning to the weather. About 2200, I don’t know about “magic” number but I heard multiple times Dean Fitzimmond quoted, “if over 700 in each section, it won’t make difference.” 2200 sounds reasonable to me. Not saying kids won’t get in with below 2200.</p>



<p>Is that a bad thing to limit the number of any one ethnic group? They are not limiting Asians to 2%- that is discrimination. But not when Asians make up 20-25% of incoming class and they begin to limit the number. As a subgroup, that may be bigger than non-jewish white group. Isn’t that big enough?</p>

<p>Muddybubbles you make a very good point. IMHO the percentage of exceptionally gifted kids academically attending hyps has declined dramatically. I’d say about a third are truly exceptional. Those great kids being passed over are bringing the quality of top students at other schools up significantly.</p>

<p>Sylvan: Top schools pick top students. Unfortunately, many would be top students do not know what else may be needed, or how to present it, in order to truly stand out from the crowd . . . and are therefore disadvantaged in the selection process.</p>


Yeah, just as I figured. You made it up.</p>

<p>And I didn’t need to attend Harvard to figure that out.</p>

<p>If you did not have the opportunity to do so, I would recommend that you read the Overachievers, by Robbins</p>

<p>From p. 202</p>



<p>At the end of the day, schools are looking to build a community of learners. It will not always be about who has the highest gpa or SAT score, as there will be places, for artist, poets, dancers, computer geeks, good deed doers, legacies, developmental admits, athletes and those who just plain folks with the potential to do extraordinary things coming from various walks of life.</p>

<p>Bovertine: Igloo gave you then answer above. IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.</p>





<p>CR - I guess where you went to school 3 x 700=2200.</p>

<p>I still need a link, and I guess I’ll CAPITALIZE THIS SO IT BECOMES TRUE.</p>

<p>Last post for you Bovertine: No. Read OVER 700 in each section. Not 700. Jeesh!</p>