<p>Let’s see:
ORG- female
URG- male
ORM- asian, white
URM- native american, african american, hispanic
Are these the openly declared categories that need to be re-adjusted now in use? Please edit if this is wrong.</p>
<p>Key word is “represented”. So that implies that these are represented in a way that is too much or too little in the pool of applications compared to what distribution of representation that college desires in a class.
Or is it that the percentages in the pool do not match those in the general population?
Or both??</p>
<p>Other categories that are likely considered in getting at least some but not too many:
US geographical region/state
private school vs public vs homeschool
religion incl fervence (non vs practice vs orthodox/conservative)
sexual preference
?political orientation?</p>
<p>The whole focus of the UC AA efforts was to get URM’s (ethnic) to be C(orrectly)RM’s. </p>
<p>What is the CR of any of these groups? What is the right balance? And is this the right way to parse the population???</p>
<p>Is this just to provide a better educational experience via diversity? Or to change the world? Or to be fair? Or to balance out some prior imbalance of educational opportunity?</p>
<p>Probably all or some!</p>
<p>Anyway, I guess what I find offensive is all the assumptions we (myself incl, incl the AdComms) make about one thing meaning another: if a student is Asian, they often do not contribute as much to the community and take piano or violin and are great at Math and Sci; if a student has a Hispanic last name, they must be very different or less-privileged; that an African American is always disadvantaged to other races ; if a student is well-off or goes to a private school, they should do more than those with fewer resources, and are probably spoiled; top athletes are less intelligent or less studious than non-athletes… on and on.</p>
<p>I find all the categorizing worrisome because so many assumptions are implicit in the process. Including how many is the right amount? Is this individual really in this group or this group? etc. etc.
But I am not sure how else they can build an interesting class and provide opportunities to those with less who show potential nonetheless.</p>
<p>So, in spite all of this serious discussion and flaming, I am not sure how clear we all are about what are think and do here. </p>
<p>Judging. Guessing. Concluding. Parsing. Categorizing. Comparing.
It’s what we do in the face of complexity.
And it is how we see the world. And it starts with how our situation is and how we see it.</p>
<p>Anyway, i bit into this long AA thread, probably a bad idea. It is inherently impossible to fix or convince.
We are naturally biased.
I just wish there was more self-awareness and perhaps honesty. I know it is hard.
We are naturally trying to find patterns- that is how humans succeed in existing in nature. But it is hard to see it when we do it.</p>