Straight Common App'in'

<p>Aiight, so I’m straight Common App’in’ and I was wondering if you have to self report all your scores?</p>

<p>Like I don’t really want to report like my worst ACT or my Subject Tests or my AP Tests. Is it a “must”?</p>

<p>You may choose which ACT to report. If you report any SATs, at least as of this current year, all the college board tests, except the APs will be reported. You may choose which, if any, APs to report. You don’t have to report any APs, if you don’t want to get credit or advanced standing for the courses they represent. My D took 4 APs and didn’t report any of them, because she knew she didn’t want advanced standing. She preferred to take a placement test (foreign lang) when she got to Brown. Math, History, and English would not have resulted in advanced standing anyway. Unless you are taking APs junior year, Brown will not see the scores until (if) you are long-admitted and long-decided. If you take (took) them junior year, they don’t matter for admissions. Just the fact of taking the course is what Brown is looking for.</p>