Stressed about not taking exams in year 1

It seems quite trivial, but I’m getting worried that my choice to not take any SL classes junior year was a mistake. Most of my classmates are taking exams in the upcoming weeks and I can’t help but feel concerned that I’m doing something wrong. I’ll be taking three AP tests, so my year isn’t an entire waste, but I still have that underlying feeling that next year is going to be awful because I didn’t take any SL classes this year. If I had taken an SL this year it would have been in a 7th subject (SL ITGS) or a language I didn’t want to continue studying (SL Spanish), which I didn’t want to mess with, hence why I’m not testing.

Here’s next year’s schedule:
HL Biology
HL History (20th Century Topics)
HL English
SL Math Studies
SL Visual Arts
SL German Ab Initio

Should I be stressed? I feel like I might end up overwhelmed with having all of my IAs and exams in the same year. It’s too late to change anything but I would love advice on what I should be expecting for my senior year. Thank you!

It may be hard but it won’t help to be stressed. Time management is a key. Don’t postpone your IAs, start working as soon as possible.