<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>Let me introduce myself,
I am a current Junior at a small liberal arts college. As you can tell, I am a Biology major with the dream of getting my phd in some kind of research, perhaps microbiology or molecular biology. I recently started looking at possible graduate schools and like most people, I'm starting to get very stressed out about it all. My current GPA is a 2.9 and my Bio major gpa is also a 2.9. I've been doing research with one of my professors for almost a year now and I've grown a close relationship with him and I am pretty intricate to his research, I conduct most/ if not all of the research, as well as directing the other people in the lab and teaching them the workings of the lab when they join. This summer I received one of the more prestigious grants to do research with my professor and I plan on continuing he research till I graduate. My question to you is, where is it realistic for me to aim as far as a graduate school goes? Is ivy league out of the question due to the low gpa? I can imagine that when I take my GRE it will have a huge influence on this, but if you guys could give me a better understanding of where it is likely that I can get in. When I graduate my GPA will no doubt be above a 3.1. My initial two years having a low gpa can be accounted for the fact that I played on my schools very competitive sports team and it took a lot of energy and time from studying.</p>
<p>Long story short: 3.1ish GPA, tons of research experience, great recommendations. What are my chances of an ivy league program?</p>