Strong academic record [3.9, 1510/34] but light on EC’s [most likely political science or business; IL resident; <$50k]

Honestly I can’t. I know when we went to Miami, the Hillel director we met with had just graduated Dennison.

I don’t think the Hillel #s are accurate. I thinks it’s best to reach out to the directors and even ask to speak to a student.

You can use the Hillel #s directionally because that’s all you have.

Dennison shows 5.5% Jewish. Not a big # (125) but not a big school. See link below.

Davidson show 60 of 1837 or 3.3%.

Dickinson 180 or 8.4%.

Not having known b4, based on location I’d have assumed Dickinson was most prominent.

But dig into the campus websites, find names and talk to people. We did at LSU, U of SC and others and physically met a few. Whether they passed muster or didn’t, my daughter got the info needed to decide. Hillel directors - plural - have told me they have no idea where these #s come from. But they’re not accurate.

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