Strong Language in Essays?

<p>So, what's the verdict on the occasional swear word in essays? Is it a contstant non-no rule, or can it be broken if you do it right? I write exactly what I think, and I don't really censor myself. Can swear words be used, if done well?</p>

<p>Like, I was thinking the line "I like abnormality because it lets me ignore ****."</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>It really, really depends on the context. It can be cleverly pulled off, but I think in 97% of situations, it isn’t done right and shouldn’t be there at all. In those 97% of situations, it’s pretty clear that the student is using profanity solely for the shock factor – to attract attention – and that doesn’t come off well.</p>

<p>In the other 3%, it <em>does</em> shock but not in an offensive way – it makes a point. It draws the reader in, but not negatively, because the curse <em>belongs</em> there. Still, on general principle I would recommend against using profanity in your essay. You never know who is going to be reading your essay and who could be offended.</p>

<p>In your sentence, it sounds more like the former – like you are just including the word because you want to shock someone or because you don’t know of another equally strong, non-profane word to put there. (Also, it doesn’t make much sense. You like abnormality because it lets you ignore things? What does that even mean?) I would recommend against it.</p>

<p>Context of one sentence is tough to show. Can anyone read the whole thing for me and give me an answer?</p>

<p>You can PM it to me and I will give you an honest opinion about the word usage.</p>