So I just started junior year (four days in) and I realized that I hadn’t taken any preparation for AP Bio.
We’re reading Campbell & Reece’s 8th Edition and we had a test on macromolecules today. Needless to say, I bombed it—solid 60%, if anyone’s interested. Of course, most people knew beforehand since they had known that there would be a test on this chapter and studied it during summer. I didn’t because, well, I like to procrastinate, and I was busy doing AP Lang hmwk.
Anyways, it was a wake up call and I realized I need to step up my game. I went through the chapter the night before but I still couldn’t get a solid grip on the whole thing, such as the alpha and beta molecules and whatnot. I seriously don’t understand the language written in that book (?) I try, but I can’t seem to grasp it.
For anyone that’s taken AP Bio, do you guys have any study material that made it easier to understand? Kinda don’t wanna wait until I’m flunking a semester in to change it any prep books, advice for that class, etc. would be helpful.