Stuck..I can't pick a topic.

<p>I really have no idea what to write on, none of the topic choices on the common app interest me. I keep going back to baseball, which I love, I don't play, but I love watching the game. I'm not sure if this can even be turned into a topic, but its what I keep thinking of. I feel like watching baseball has brought be closer to my dad, even though we were already close, and the whole game fascinates me. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could incorporate this into an essay or if this will even work? </p>

<p>Thanks alot.</p>

<p>talk about why baseball interests you. is it the mechanics? the speed of the ball? the crowds?</p>

<p>You can write about anything you want! If you keep coming back to baseball, then go for it! Talk about how much baseball influenced you, and how much it means to you that because of it, you and your dad have gotten closer, and talk about why you love the game. If you think baseball is something that defines you, then you should definitely write about it, because it’s something that describes you, and makes you uniquely you. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Good luck with college apps!</p>