Student Attitudes

<p>I've heard a couple people complain that too many L&C students are "spoiled rich kids bitter they couldn't get into a more prestigious, Ivy League school." Is there any truth to this?</p>

<p>Secondly, I'm also applying to Reed. I know that's known as a pretty funky, liberal school. In that sense, how would you say L&C compares?</p>

<p>I'm not going to speak for the entire student body because what you hear might be true, but at least from my visit L&C students are pretty down to earth. The average student is probably a bit wealthy, so maybe a few spoiled ones here and there. I would also honestly say that I believe the student body choosing to attend is not bitter in anyway for being rejected to an Ivy or other prestigious university.</p>

<p>I didn't visit Reed, but L&C is similar in being a pretty funky, liberal school. As my tour guide stated, "there's like one republican on campus." I wouldn't say that L&C is as radical or as out there as Reed is, though.</p>

<p>You are correct when you describe L&C as a liberal school. My student decided against attending L&C this year and it was because of what he perceived as over the top liberalism. Gender neutral restrooms and the clothing optional campus policy were a little too much for him. Also, some of the sports programs are affected by these policies as fewer athletes will attend an institution where the gender balance is 65% female and only 35% male.
L&C is a fantastic school academically and if you are a student with similar political and social views you will get a great education and have a fine time. However, a moderate or conservative may feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Reed takes it a step further!</p>

<p>My son just graduated from there. We live in the midwest so we did not visit at all accept for orientation and graduation. My son said that many of the students who attended were from CA, OR, and WA as can be expected. He did not run into many "spoiled rich kids" or kids who seemed to have a sense of entitlement. He enjoyed the school quite a bit. It is a very liberal place. He visited Reed and did not like it at all. His sense was that they were somewhat intellectual snobs and that turned him off. I don't think that L & C has too many Ivy wannabees.</p>