Student Health Care Clinic -- is this normal?

<p>I went to the Student Health Clinic at my Uni for the first time this week, and I was a bit shocked.... I went in for a stomach bug and a lingering cold that is going around right now, and EVERY question from both the nurses, the NP, and the MD were all about STDs/pregnancy/drugs/alcohol/etc. EVERY poster on the wall was about STDs and OBGYN exams... There were condoms in EVERY corner of EVERY room, with detailed diagrams and instructions posted on the walls. Is this normal or do the kids at my school just have serious STDs and drug habits?</p>

<p>Here's an example of how my conversation with the doctor went today:</p>

<p>Me: "I've been sick for almost 2 weeks, I've been nauseous for 2 days now, and I've just been vomiting the last day."
Her: "How much alcohol have you had in the past 2 days?"
Me: "None."
Her: "When was the last pregnancy test you took?"
Me: "Never.... There's absolutely NO chance I'm pregnant."
Her: "Why are you taking Sudafed? Are you using it as a stimulant?"
Me: "What?! No! I'm taking it because my head is congested...."
Her: "Why does you skin look like this?"
Me: "I have acne and dry skin..."</p>

<p>SERIOUSLY!!! It was like the grand inquisition!!!!!!</p>

<p>Yes, very normal. They ask everybody that because if you have had alcohol or could be pregnant or are taking stimulants then it can interact with the medication they give you and do very, very bad things.</p>

<p>Well, you have to understand that the majority of the problems a university health center is going to have will be related to alcohol, sex, or drugs, or the medicines they prescribe would interfere with alcohol, sex, or drugs. They also have to look for hidden problems that plague college students, like drug use (your skin) or alcoholism (your alcohol intake).</p>

<p>it’s because a lot of college students drink like alcoholics, do drugs like druggies, and have sex without a care.</p>

<p>edit: For example, Sudafed (not the PE version) has pseudoephedrine which is a stimulant, and is also a component of meth. Which is why you need to give the pharmacist your driver’s license or something like that when you buy it.</p>

<p>I agree with the other posters. Student clinics are used to people that drink a lot, do drugs, and also people who have STD’s. If you feel uncomfortable at this clinic, see if there is a private clinic in your area that takes your insurance. They’ll probably ask the same questions, but at least it will be in a different atmosphere.</p>

<p>Eh, better that they ask a bunch of questions than not ask anything and end up not treating you well.</p>

<p>Mine isn’t like that. o.O There are posters about STDs and alcohol and stuff, but they have that everywhere. It did feel like I was being interrogated when I went but that is because they have flu paranoia. XD</p>


<p>^ thats odd you’d choose my birthday</p>

<p>but anyway, this is kind of funny OP, my condolenses</p>