Student Health

<p>Is there an issue with student health giving Rx to students who are not 19 yet? My DD is under the impression she can’t get antibiotics or anything else prescribed because is is not 19. Is this true?</p>

<p>No, it shouldn’t be a problem. My daughter had prescriptions written and filled her freshman year before she was even 18.</p>

<p>She should have no trouble getting a written prescription filled. It is over-the-counter cold medicine such as Sudafed they can’t buy until they are 19 in Alabama.</p>

<p>My 18 year old son got one filled today at the SHC pharmacy, so no problems.</p>

<p>Thanks. </p>

<p>She said when she went for a cold last year they gave her prescriptions ( antibiotics and not sure what else) and when she went to pick them up they wouldn’t give her any of it because she wasn’t 19. We got the bill from SHC so I know she really went.</p>

<p>Hmmm. My d had scrips for antibiotics and malaria meds done at shc w no issues last year when she was 18. Wonder if the person your d talked to was just misinformed? That had to be frustrating</p>

<p>I’m not sure why a doctor at the SHC would knowingly prescribe medication that the SHC pharmacy won’t allow the student to purchase. It’s likely that the SHC pharmacy was misinformed. I would suggest that she calls the Rite Aid across the street and see if they will fill the prescription. Many students had to do this when the SHC didn’t accept the prescription insurance from UA’s student health insurance plan.</p>

<p>My understanding is prescribed meds would not be an issue under 19, my D is 17 so I hope I was told correctly, it is the OTC meds that are an issue.</p>

<p>This is strange. When my older son started at Bama, I asked the SHC if it would be a problem since he wasn’t 19, and I was told that the school treats all students as if they are over the 19 age limit for health purposes.</p>

<p>As for Rx at random pharmacies, I have no idea what the deal is since I don’t think my kids ever had to use those between the ages of 18-19. That said, I doubt a random pharmacy would hold back a Rx for being 18 and not 19…unless maybe it was one of those Type 3 or Level 3 or whatever they’re called (pain meds, etc)</p>