<p>This thread is for students applying for the Spring 2010 semester. Feel free to post any of your statuses and how the app is going</p>
<p>This thread is for students applying for the Spring 2010 semester. Feel free to post any of your statuses and how the app is going</p>
i’m applying to gwu for the Spring 2010 semester.
do you have any idea when we should be expecting to hear an admissions decision?
also, any clue as to how the acceptance rates for transfers in the fall semesters differ from the spring semesters?</p>
<p>I know financial aid comes in late November, so i’m assuming sometime this month is when you will be getting your decision! The acceptance rates are about the same, which is what i’ve heard.</p>
<p>Very frustrating. I submitted all my documents in mid September. I got an email a few days ago from admissions stating that I needed to resubmit a couple of documents they had lost, I did so, and have not head anything since. The admissions rep said “You’ll be good” once I submitted those, but I don’t know what that means. Called today to inquire about the receipt of the documents I sent and was told it could be mid-December before transfers are notified. </p>
<p>The registration for classes opens on 18 November. I thought maybe they would notify all students before this date so everyone had a fair shot at registration. If there are any GWU Spring 2010 transfer applicants that were notified by now please let us know.</p>
<p>it is going to be SUPER hard to get into GW transferring because there are too many kids here already</p>
<p>i haven’t heard yet either, and i’m getting very nervous!
how can they notify us in mid-december?? my current college’s tuition is due then.
did they say on the phone that there was any chance we could be notified earlier?</p>
<p>@ awoken</p>
<p>I havent heard anything about registration</p>
<p>You need to call more than once a week to get anything out of them…they lost my stuff numerous times!</p>
<p>I applied Fall 2009 and got accepted for Spring 2010. You are absolutely right that they are crowded</p>
<p>I was already accepted. I have to reply by 12/8, which is when I will have all these late fees for canceling my housing contract at my current school. I would call them and ask to speak to your admissions counselor and see what they can do. Explain that your tuition is due at your current school</p>
<p>I called admissions again and was told they are notifying people the last week of November. Who knows though, I have heard everything from 1 October to mid-December. I don’t think the students that man the phones at the admissions office are really informed about much. They always seem to be guessing at questions I ask. I suppose the real answer is to be patient.</p>
<p>wideeye22: What about freshman transfer students? Any idea of what the outlook for their acceptances is? Even slimmer than that of other transfers?</p>
<p>awoken: indeed, we are going to have to be patient-- as much as we want to know the verdict! i wish you luck!</p>
<p>Have you applied for financial aid. I was told that I would recieve my financial aid offer later this month.</p>
<p>Dont talk to students, they are clueless. Ask them to put you through to your admissions counselor. They will be able to give you your counselor’s name through the first letter of your last name</p>
<p>I applied as an upcoming sophomore and was accepted for the following term. If you are competitive, they will accept you for the next semester. I’m guessing underclassmen have a slight disadvantage</p>
<p>Well after two months of waiting…I GOT IN!!! They never sent an email but notified me via the GW admissions activity portal. Best of luck to everyone else!</p>
<p>Thats great news! Did you apply for financial aid? If so, when are you expecting it?</p>
<p>I got in as well I just found it out from GW Admissions Activity portal.
<p>Any new news with anyone??</p>
<p>Especially with financial aid…i’m still waiting on that</p>
<p>i found out recently that i got in also!!!</p>
<p>however, i am also waiting for financial aid.
clarix917: have you gone to this website yet to try and check the status of your financial aid package? </p>
<p><a href=“https://banweb.gwu.edu/BannerApp/ProdCartridge/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin[/url]”>https://banweb.gwu.edu/BannerApp/ProdCartridge/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin</a></p>
<p>Thanks for the link, I already use it and have checked my status a couple times daily. My deadline to reply to GW is December 8th.</p>
<p>When do you personally have to reply to GW once you get your financial aid? My deadline to reply to GW is December 8th.</p>
<p>I called GW and they said that their grants and scholarships have been exhausted for this semester, so I am not expecting a good fin aid offer :(</p>
<p>Have you guys received the admissions packet yet?
It is almost the end of the semester, so I need to move on,
but I haven’t received any information so far.</p>
<p>Have you been accepted yet? I was already accepted and had to go in-person to get my admissions packet. They lost it in the mail several times, at least for me</p>
Yes, I have been accepted. Did you go to the admissions office to get your packet?
When I called the office a few days ago, the representative said they sent out the mail before Thanksgiving, but my packet isn’t still here. Do you recommend me to visit the admissions office to get it?</p>