Study Aboard and AP Credits Questions

Can anyone confirm if UA pays for an Honors College Student if they want to Study aboard for a semester? I thought I read this somewhere but can’t seem to find it again.

Also will UA give credit for completed AP courses and/or courses taken thru an accredited university offered by my daughters High School.

She has taken the following AP classes:

World History 3

US History 5

Stat. 3

Physics 3

English Lang. & Comp. 5

Taking this year:

English Lit.


Cal. AB

Govt. & Politics


She has also taken University Spanish 1 & 2 thru SUNY Albany

and intro to Business thru St. Thomas Aquinas College.

Here is the link to AP credits:

Here’s the link for Transfer Course Equivalency:

Simply search for the school, find the course, and see what the UA Registrar has evaluated the course to transfer. If you can’t find it, no worries; they will still evaluate when they receive the transcript.

UA pays for an Honors College Student if they want to Study aboard for a semester




What do you mean? UA will let a student use whatever scholarship they have to use towards a semester abroad. If an OO student has, for instance, the Presidential, then he would have about $13k to spend towards a semester abroad by using one of his 8 merit semesters. But if an Honors College student only has, for instance, the Capstone Scholar award, then he would have very little money to put towards a semester abroad.

Thank you

thank you