Study abroad between high school and college

<p>I am graduating high school in January and am looking into study abroad programs during spring or summer. Does anybody know of any programs that grant college credit and accept students who haven't enrolled in university yet? I know also that it is a little late to apply but do any spring programs still have openings?</p>

<p>You can study abroad with AIFS (American Institute For Foreign Study) prior to entering college. Visit [Study</a> Abroad with AIFS](<a href=“”> and review our summer programs for options. You may also contact AIFS at 800727.2437.</p>

<p>Sea Education Association (SEA) is still accepting applications for our Spring I (Feb. 10 - May 4) and Spring II (March 24 - June 16) programs. SEA programs combine marine study on shore in Woods Hole, MA with a 6-week sailing adventure in the Atlantic or Pacific. No scientific background or sailing experience is necessary.</p>

<p>A maximum of 17 college credits are issued through Boston University for Spring I/II and gap year students often participate for this reason. Alternately, we offer high school level Summer Seminars, two of which also include 2 college credits from Cornell University or U. of Southern California, respectively.</p>

<p>Check out [url=<a href=“”>]SEA[/url</a>] for more info or call Admissions at 1-800-552-3633 ext. 770 (reference this post). We’d be happy to help you learn more about SEA!</p>

<p>I would have said Rotary International. I went with them for a year to Germany. I know there are university and high school scholarships, but I don’t know of any that combine both. You should check into your local Rotary Club because they should be willing to help!</p>

<p>cmc4me, About a year ago I was in your shoes desperately trying to find something to do with my summer before I went off to university. Even though it seemed a bit late (oddly enough it was early January as well), I was able to enroll in one of Florida State University’s College for High School programs. It is a great program that allows the student (no matter the location) to start doing online study in January to prepare for a four week trip to Europe in the summer. You receive nine hours of college credit in Humanities. To put it in perspective nine hours completes most of my twelve hour humanities. Even if you are a science or math major, most colleges require you to complete basic classes in humanities as part of liberal studies. Why not get them out of the way during a trip to Europe?</p>

<p>The program site is [International</a> Programs | College for High School](<a href=“]International”>
or you can email the director/instructor at <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>If you have any questions, please feel to ask!</p>

<p>My daughter studied in Korea last summer, before her freshman year in college. She attended the International Summer School at Ewha University in Seoul. She earned 9 credit hours in three classes, Korean Language and two others she chose from several electives. She loved the program and plans to attend it again this summer or a similar one at Yonsei University which is also in Seoul. She can not study abroad during the regular academic year at University of Buffalo because as a dual major in dance and Asian studies, the dance curriculum is scheduled in such an order that she can’t take a semester to study abroad or she would lose a whole year of dance and would have to drop down to a lower grade thus taking five years to complete the program. That’s not going to happen!</p>