Study Abroad Help

Hi, Child more interested in living abroad and immersive experience and not just taking classes abroad with American students. This is because Child’s identity is not just American. Fluent in Spanish but not necessarily fluent for College level classes so looking at universities in US which offer robust study abroad programs in English abroad and allow for more than 2 semesters abroad. E.g. colleges which start abroad. Help!

@MYOS1634 any suggestions?

Hamilton, Middlebury and Colby all have freshman starts abroad. I know Colby has one in Spain and students use Jan Plan to go abroad extra times and/or extend their stays past the semester.

Check out Earlham as well. Not sure what they offer but I have met alums who did really interesting things abroad.

Summers are often available for additional or extended stays.


And you get in state tuition for the four years. Great college and dirt cheap tuition.

London, Florence, Panama City, or Valencia.

FSU International Programs Freshmen

FSU International Programs FYA

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Rather than colleges that start abroad (where it will essentially be American freshmen together all the time with a college professor and local professors), why not look into colleges that build language confidence&skills and include a full year or 2 semesters abroad?
In particular, look into colleges with 4-1-4 calendars: January (“1”) is typically spent on campus for freshmen, except for those going abroad to improve their language skills. Students may follow with an additional semester of that language and can go abroad sophomore year, often for a semester but could be either a full year abroad or 1 semester in one country sophomore year and 1 in another. Students often double major in that language and in another subject.
An example of this would be St Olaf. Depending on his stats, you may also look at Dartmouth. “4-1-4 calendar college” should give you a list of possibilities.
Another possibility is a college that allows students to spend a full year in a country, enrolling in classes 2nd semester along with local students while providing support. An example would be Dickinson (or if topnotch stats: Middlebury) where you can enroll into the local university in a variety of subjects taught in the language, History, Economics, statistics…
Another possibility is the W&M/St Andrews program, where you spend 1st year in VA 2 years in Scotland 1 year in vA, but many students report they wish they’d just enrolled at StA directly.
Finally, you have universities offering ISEP but that requires a high level of languge skills before you leave.

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Lots of schools have study abroad opportunities. We can suggest those all day. We need to narrow it down a little more.

  • What are your student’s stats? GPA? Test scores?

  • What major are they interested in?

  • what is your budget?

  • are there any US location considerations such as wanting or not wanting to be in one part of the US or wanting a big city school or rural school or suburban school?

  • does your student want a big university or small LAC?

Whether they have their own study abroad program or not almost every school in the country allows study abroad through one of the outside programs like AIFS, CIEE, IES, USAC


Hi all good suggestions here is some more data:
Currently IB School. HL math (6), Anthro (7) and Spanish (7). 7’s in all other classes.

Budget - wide open

Preferences for in or around Urban but could be open to other location if accessible to urban eg Vassar (close to NyC via train).

ACT Super score 34

Desire larger than Dickenson.

Major : social sciences with preference in social Anthro and social policy

I think for Florida State you pay the OOS (or International) tuition for the first year and then get the instate tuition when you return to the US.


S21 did the FSU First Year Abroad program. He did Fall/Spring in Florence then Summer in Valencia. You have to stay at location you choose for Fall/Spring and then you can change locations if you choose for the summer term.
Great program campuses centrally located in each city. He had an amazing time. He made some great friends and has an apartment with 2 of them.
Cost covers Tuition, room, some meals and 2 weekend trips per semester and a couple day trips per semester.

OOS with 3.0 GPA first year receives instate tuition for remainder of degree.
If you have any questions feel free to message me.


S21 was accepted here. About half of students in Madrid are full time Madrid students and the rest coming over for a semester from main Campus
They offered nice merit. The scholarships are transferable or were to main campus the names are the same ie. vice president scholarship, and it would go to the corresponding amount if attended main campus which is/was more expensive.


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