<p>I am currently a bio major sohpmore. I want to go abroad for a semester next fall. By the end of my sophmore year I will have completed chem, chem lab, bio, bio lab, ochem, and the physics 1. </p>
<p>In the summer I plan to take ochem lab, and then in the fall go abroad and take gen ed courses. </p>
<p>When I return (spring of jr year), I plan on taking physics 2, physiology, and then gen ed courses so I have time to study for my MCAT. I plan on taking the MCATs at the end of may and then applying for med school that summer.</p>
<p>Am I on track? Will it hurt me to take ochem lab in the summer. Or is it acceptable because I am going abroad for a semester? If it helps going into the final I have an A in my ochem class, so I will likely have an A in ochem 2.</p>
<p>Also as a side question, my gen chem class has 1 lab for each semester of gen chem, but after taking the 1st lab I could not handle a second lab of gen chem so I took AP credit for the gen chem lab II (I still took the course and got an A). Is that acceptable.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>Any replies would be so helpful? I have to make my decision regarding study abroad in a few days.</p>
<p>I’m going to BUMP this, because I want to know if it’s bad to take OChem Lab (or any science w/a lab) over the summer.</p>
<p>taking one of your science labs over the summer wont be a red flag, I don’t think. Especially if you have a semester abroad where you don’t have any pre-med courses (which is not only understandable, but also probably recommended depending on how your school reports study abroad courses/grades). Although I’m not entirely sure what you’ll be doing over the summer. Are you only going to be taking the lab, or are you taking a lecture and a lab?</p>
<p>What I would be more concerned about is using your AP credit to get gen. chem. lab credit. It is recommended that you take your eight hours of general chemistry and gen chem lab at college instead of taking AP credit for it. Especially if you’re not going to have any other chemistry other than your required general chemistry and organic chemistry.</p>
<p>Well I have been volunteering in a lab since freshman year and I talked to the PI who said he will give me credits for coming into the lab over the summer. I will have taken ochem lecture 2 before I started the lab.</p>
<p>As for my gen chem lab, I took just the first in the sequence of 2 and got an A in it. I took both gen chem lectures and got A’s in them but I could not handle a second lab of 4 hours a week. But I was volunteering in a lab then and I got a’s in the classes so I didn’t think it would be a problem.</p>
<p>Another issue arising from study abroad is that I will have a full yr bw physics 1 and physics 2 algebra based. How important is the material from 1 in order to succeed in 2?</p>
<p>Not particularly important in my experience. I also had a year between physics 1 and physics 2, and it wasn’t a problem.</p>
<p>What about my timing of classes and MCAT in terms of study abroad. When I return I will only take physics and an upper level physiology class and gen eds. I will study for my MCATs but should I take them in may or April. My semester will end first week of may if that helps. Also I will take biochemistry and other upper level bio courses my senior year to complete my major. Is it ok to take biochem sr yr?</p>
<p>Will it help if I took a genetics course along with physio and physics or would that be to much?</p>
<p>I just wanted to bump this thread…I need some advice on if its doable to go abroad split up my physics by a year, not take any sciences for a semester, return in the spring to finis my pre reqs and take the MCATS. </p>
<p>Will it be tough to take the MCATs without a biochem course and considering I finished my ochem courses sophmore year. </p>
<p>Will it look poorly that I took my Ochem lab in the summer?</p>
<p>Except for taking a lab over the summer, I did all of the above, and I didn’t find it a big deal. I hadn’t taken biochem before the mcats, and I don’t really think it would’ve helped me all that much on them if I’d had biochem.</p>
<p>Frankly, I think that all med school admissions people understand that taking a semester abroad messes with scheduling, and I don’t think that they really care all that much as long as all the courses are taken before med school begins.</p>
<p>Ive read on these boards that some medical schools require biochemistry. But I will take biochemistry my senior year after I send out my application. Does that mean I should not apply to those schools?</p>
<p>You can still apply to those schools. You just need to prove that you’ve taken the course before you matriculate.</p>
<p>There’s a section on the AMCAS application where you can indicate any future courses you plan to take, and as long as you indicate that you’re going to take biochem, it won’t matter in the admissions process.</p>
<p>Should I consider taking the gen chem lab II even though I got A’s in gen chem 1 and 2 and gen chem lab 1 and and I have AP credit for gen chem lab 2?</p>
<p>Yes. Some med schools do not accept AP credit. It makes no sense to take 3/4’s of a sequence and then take AP credit for a measley lab course.</p>
<p>How crucial will this be? I won’t have room, with going abroad and all, to fit this into my schedule until senior year, which is after I have applied to medical school. Its not like I didn’t take general chemistry and general chemistry lab. I took the lab. But I only took a semester of lab.</p>
<p>I don’t think that it’d be a huge deal if you left the gen chem lab until your senior year. Again, to my knowledge there isn’t a medical school that makes class requirements that need to be met by the time you apply, only requirements that must be met in order to matriculate at the medical school.</p>
<p>As for how crucial it will be if you don’t take the gen chem lab, none of us can answer that. The standard answer is that some medical schools will not take AP credits for pre-med reqs and that other schools, regardless of official policy, don’t particularly like taking AP credits. Will it limit you in the application process? Probably. Will it limit you significantly? Who knows?</p>
<p>Well I should write a thankyou note to my advisor…Is there anywhere that I can find a list of schools and their AP credit policy?</p>
<p>Does it help that I am taking an Ochem lab or that I have been working in Bio lab since Freshman year. Not having this 2nd gen chem lab seems to be really making things harder for me now.</p>
<p>Organic chem lab is another requirement. Take the gen chem lab in your senior year if you must.</p>
<p>So I take gen chem lab II my senior year, and this should not affect me in the admissions process?</p>