Study Emphasizes Importance of Liberal Arts Skills

College grads who can combine liberal arts skills with technical know-how will be well-positioned for future careers, this new study says.

Very interesting and makes a lot of sense. Businesses ultimately want and need leaders to manage teams and drive results. Those skills are quite different from technical skills in a particular industry. A nice blend of the two makes for a nice future.

The article uses an implied definition of “STEM” and “liberal arts” being mutually exclusive, as evidenced by the quote below:

In reality, “liberal arts” includes science and math, rather than only humanities and social studies.

^ agree with you. However the greater point is emphasizing the need for more “human” (I guess based in humanities) skills vs. solely focusing on quant as those roles risk more AI replacement. Communications and leadership are major drivers in business and generally stem from a very well rounded (and more interesting) individual.

40 years ago we shared papers in our technical writing class at an engineering college; and I was shocked. Seventy-five percent of my classmates could not compose a paragraph. These days, my little wall streeter is surprised how robotic grads are from some of the top business schools. His compulsory religion classes probably helped as did his liberal arts minor.