<p>I am not getting the grades I want nor need. I am currently a sophomore and want to go to med school. However, I can't seem to get A's on any of my quizzes or tests.
I study all the time. In about 1 - 2 hour increments a couple times a day. I am taking org chem 1, physiology, pre-cal, and communications. I am not worried so much about communications and for pre cal i just have to practice. As for organic i do the practice problems in the book over and over again. Then sometimes when the quizzes come i make stupid mistakes. I think i have test anxiety.
And for physiology i record the lectures and listen while in class, then go back over the recording and type out the notes later in the day. I never go out on weekends. I work about 10 hours on weekends, then the rest of the weekend i study. Then I workout and lift weights about 5-6 days a week as well. But thats all i do. I never hangout with friends or anything, shouldn't I be getting A's?!!</p>
<p>Sounds like you just haven’t found a way to get studying done effectively. Science majors put in serious hours, but it’s not as much about the time put in as it is about finding ways to learn material as efficiently as possible. Also, studying so much that you never go out or hang out with friends isn’t healthy and will drive you crazy. Life isn’t just about getting into med school, and students who do nothing but play Pre-Med generally burn out.</p>
<p>The pre-med forum here has a stickied thread about tips on doing well in organic that might be helpful. I always went through the book and took notes, writing the important conceptual ideas down and drawing structures, then doing practice problems. Organic is about understanding why things are happening, not just that they do happen. It’s hard to figure out how to really learn organic in the first few weeks of school–it took me until about october to really get the hang of it.</p>
<p>When I take memorization-based science courses, I find it helpful to type the notes, and then create handwritten study guides of the important concepts using different colors and whatever. That’s just my method and it may not work for you, you just have to play around with different techniques.</p>
<p>No, you aren’t guaranteed all As no matter how efficient your studying is in college. </p>
<p>However, you could talk to the professors to get advice on what you might do to improve your grades.</p>
<p>In addition, study groups often are very helpful particularly with the most difficult courses.</p>
<p>We are in the same boat, buddy. sigh.</p>
<p>If your having trouble studying maybe you can find your school on koofer s.com. They have a lot of old tests and notes and other study material from colleges all around the country. These help me out a lot when I am preparing for a test. <a href=“http://www.koofer”>www.koofer</a> s.com</p>
<p>If you want to be do well in organic, play chess. I think they are heavily linked.
First, you have to plan your attack by placing certain groups in certain areas. You have to know all the tricks to trap your opponent into a typed scenario of reactions. Then you have to move in for the KILL!!!</p>
<p>Learn the correct study methods. It’s quality not quantity that counts.</p>
<p>I always study till late night but i am not able to get good grades than my friends even they study not too much…for what i do not get good grade please anyone suggest me</p>