<p>I'm debating studying in China and Japan next year (once in fall and once in spring). However, I'd have to take out about 10k more in loans in order to cover expenses. Am I being too idealistic in hoping to study abroad twice in a year at the cost of 10 grand more? Is paying off these loans going to be hard later in life?</p>
<p>Another issue is I might have to forfeit my accounting minor. This means I'd have to take another accounting class after I graduate while I work (that's if I get a job even ;) ) in order to qualify for the CPA exam. Is it hard taking classes while working?....</p>
<p>I'd really appreciate any help on this. I really want to study in both countries but I'm afraid I might need a reality check before that.</p>
<p>One class won’t hurt while you’re working as long it works in your schedule. I would imagine that large universities and community colleges might have that class that you need that will be held at night.</p>
<p>It’s up to you and your parents if you really want to study in those countries and whether it’s worth taking out the loans. Personally, it’s much more beneficial to study and stay in one country for the entire year as you would gain a deeper understanding of the country and its locals than if you spent more time jetting around.</p>
<p>I’d love to stay a year abroad…but unfortunately I have to come back in winter to finish off my major and such. :(</p>
<p>Perhaps you’d be able to study in one of the countries during the summer, or, if you would prefer to work during the summer, work while taking the one accounting class you need. Also, you could try seeing if there are any programs that are partially in China and partially in Japan.</p>