Studying Abroad

<p>Are there any scholarships that could make a study abroad program more affordable? If one were to graduate in less than four years, could a semester of the UA or presidential scholarship be used to help pay for a summer study abroad program?</p>

<p>I don’t know if a semester could be used towards study abroad in the summer. It can be used during the school year…why not do that?</p>

<p>Write <a href=“”></a> with your question.</p>

<p>If you go to the study abroad section, there does seem to be some scholarships, but I don’t know if they are for small, medium, or large amounts. I’m guessing that they are mostly for small or medium amounts…probably not enough to pay for a summer trip.</p>

<p>When we went for a campus visit, we asked to visit with the office that handles the travel arrangements for study abroad. If I am not mistaken, they said that help was available (grants, scholarships) through their office when plans were being made. Tuition is reciprocal with many other Universities so a student would not have to pay tuition at the other school, just come up with travel and living expenses. Some scholarships also have a stipend specifically to cover some travel expenses. That was a small part of a whirlwind visit, so I don’t remember specifics, but the travel office will be able to give specifics.</p>

<p>Tuition is reciprocal with many other Universities so a student would not have to pay tuition at the other school, just come up with travel and living expenses</p>

<p>That’s true for semester abroads…not sure how it might work for a student who does a summer abroad and wants to use a semester of his scholarship.</p>

<p>When my D was inquiring about scholarships and funding for her study abroad this coming summer, she was told that she could use one of her 8 semesters if she wanted to. I immediately vetoed that as she’ll only be taking 6 credits and it didn’t make financial sense. She did apply for a few scholarships that were suggested.</p>

<p>Re: semester programs…I remember I had a long a thread about this a while back :)</p>

<p>Scholarships lady said university scholarships would apply to study abroad costs; engineering scholarships lady said their supplements would still apply. The study abroad people said that the money you would pay for (commercial, non-exchange) programs would be the total cost of programs minus the value of credits transfered to UA (for Presidential Scholarship folks).</p>

<p>So I guess if a program is $20k/semester and you transfer 12 to 16 credits, and you’re from OOS with a Pres. Scholarship, you pay $20,000 minus $10,250 or $9,750.</p>

<p>You should verify with them to make sure though…</p>

<p>^ true, but remember, as RobD mentioned, if you do that (for example, with a Presidential scholarship) you use up one of your eight semesters of award. Makes little financial sense unless you are earning close to a whole semesters’ worth of credits… so I guess this might be practical for semester abroad, but not summer abroad.</p>

<p>^^^exactly! D will be using one of her 8 semesters of scholarship when she does a full semester abroad at the end of her junior year. And as M2CK as pointed out on a few occasions, since D is OOS she has more funds available to apply to a study abroad program than an in state student due to the difference in tuition (and I’ll agree that it doesn’t seem fair to in state scholarship recipients.)</p>

<p>It DIDN’T make sense to us to have D use one of her 8 semesters towards a $7500, 6 credit summer program. There’s too many classes she’s planning on taking and it makes far more sense for us to fund the summer program than to pay the roughly $15,000 for the 8th semester credits & housing. </p>

<p>As an NMF she is able to use the $2000 one time study abroad/research stipend.</p>

<p>I want to say thank you to very active and insightful board postings as this information has significant value. Until reading this, I had no idea that this opportunity existed. S was offered Presidential Scholarship and is intending to major in Finance or Accounting with German or International Business. If he chooses UA he will most likely enter as a sophmore due to 8 APs and dual enrollment. I was trying to research how to maximize his educational opportunities and studying abroad definitely fits his plans! Another opportunity is the University Scholars program which, if invited, allows students to pursue an MS in Finance at the same time one earns and Undergraduate degree.</p>


<p>Your son doesn’t have to wait to be invited for the Scholars Program. He can just go to his advisor and ask to be approved. :)</p>

<p>University Scholars wishing to get a MS in Finance or MA in Economics need to take the GMAT before entering the graduate program. IIRC, the department wants University Scholars to score 650 or higher on the exam.</p>

<p>^ Do you know if engineering students need to take any standardized tests for their University Scholars Program? I never read any mention of it, but maybe I missed it…</p>


<p>I don’t think so. My son wasn’t asked to take any exams for Math. If anything, you might have to take the GRE…which is offered on campus. If you were req’d to take the GRE to do Scholars (which I don’t think you would be), I’m sure you’d do fine on it.</p>

<p>I haven’t seen it mentioned, but I would recommend contacting the department and asking them. The department chair should know the answer and will also be able to suggest possible courses of study. Generally speaking, prospective University Scholars do well on the GRE/GMAT.</p>

<p>*Generally speaking, prospective University Scholars do well on the GRE/GMAT. *</p>

<p>I believe that to be very true.</p>

<p>I took SEA_tide’s advice and contacted the department. For anyone interested, I just received this reply from Dr. Whitaker in Aerospace:</p>

<p>Hi XXXX:</p>

<p>Glad to hear of your interest and congratulations on being admitted! Our University Scholars Program is a wonderful way to earn your BS and MS degrees and there are no GRE/GMAT scores needed for acceptance into the program.</p>
