Studying Abroad

<p>I was wondering how studying abroad worked with the UC system, and my personal questions as well.
Whatever UC I get into, I’m studying some sort of engineering (mechanical, electrical, or bio). One of my dreams is to study abroad in a country such as Japan, HK, or maybe even Korea. My concern is whether they would let me do that (and how much of the foreign language do I need to know? I figured I could pick it up once I got there. My mandarin is so-so, and japanese + korean non-existent.</p>

<p>example situation, if I got into Cal : Studying mechanical engineering in Tokyo? possible? Would I need to take summer classes in Japanese as a prerequisite?</p>

<p>Just thinking about the future.</p>

<p>google is your friend.</p>

<p>University</a> of California Education Abroad Program</p>

<p>Comment: Engineers have little time/schedule to take electives.</p>

<p>Many UC study abroad programs are not immersion, so classes are taught in English and you only need enough of the language to get by.</p>

<p>thanks. Yeah, man studying abroad as an engineer, man, we'll see how things turn out.</p>