<p>So a few of us are roadtrip-ing down to Miami next week from all the way up in Canada, and our hotel is fairly close to UM. Just wondering what/where the good bars in the area are (we're all 21-25) as well as any other good hot spots. Keep in mind we've never been to Miami before so throwing out intersections or areas of where these places are would also help a lot.</p>
<p>Your best bet for some entertainment would be to head over to Coconut Grove. They have pretty much everything there.</p>
<p>[Coconut</a> Grove BIC](<a href=“http://www.coconutgrove.com/index.cfm]Coconut”>http://www.coconutgrove.com/index.cfm)</p>
<p>other thing we were thinking of doing is staying around south beach…ive heard of some good spots around there as well…some spot called the mansion as well as others around that area…basically looking to see what the miami party crowd is like… =)</p>