<p>Anybody read this book/blog? Freaking hilarious, especially if you live in an area with a ton of "white people" like I do.</p>
<p>Stuff</a> White People Like</p>
<p>Anybody read this book/blog? Freaking hilarious, especially if you live in an area with a ton of "white people" like I do.</p>
<p>Stuff</a> White People Like</p>
<p>Anyone volunteering to post this on the parents forum?</p>
<p>[#16</a> “Gifted” Children Stuff White People Like](<a href=“http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/01/22/17-gifted-children/]#16”>http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/01/22/17-gifted-children/)</p>
<p>Not me but someone please do it</p>
<p>[10</a> things white people like - Boston.com](<a href=“http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/gallery/10_things_white_people_like/]10”>http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/gallery/10_things_white_people_like/)</p>
<p>Let’s start a list of things white people like, I came up with:
<p>LOL i just saw this the other day and sent it to my white friend who thinks she is sooo unique and freakin’ special 'cause she’s always got some new weird a$$ indie music to show me that I’ve never heard of. They actually had like a direct quote from her, “Joanna Newsom is like the most original music artist ever…” oh and that one about knowing a lot about YOUR culture. So very true.</p>
<p>How about no? If I made a thread entitled “What Black People like” and I put crap like shouting and fried chicken, it would be racist. so how about please refrain? I love how people don’t see the racism if it goes the other way.</p>
<p>[#101</a> Being Offended Stuff White People Like](<a href=“http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/28/101-being-offended/]#101”>http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/28/101-being-offended/)</p>
<p>The Ivy League:</p>
<p>[#98</a> The Ivy League « Stuff White People Like](<a href=“http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/06/98-the-ivy-league/]#98”>http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/06/98-the-ivy-league/)</p>
<p>actually people do that all the time… making fun of black people is completely normal. everyone knows the stereotypes -they love orange soda, collard greens, fried chicken, don’t have jobs, are lazy, etc., this is just very funny because no one ever describes what white people as a whole like. white people are just white people and there are so much of them it’s hard to narrow it down to a small list of what they “like.” it’s a joke, don’t make it bigger than it is.</p>
<p>^^“…they love orange soda…”</p>
<p>-really? I have a lot of black friends (since that is another thing that white people like: [#14</a> Having Black Friends « Stuff White People Like](<a href=“http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/01/21/14-having-black-friends/]#14”>http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/01/21/14-having-black-friends/) )…yet I have never associated orange soda with them…and I love orange soda</p>
<p>I actually do love like Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul</p>
<p>I’m not making it a bigger deal than it already is. Frankly, none of this stuff offends me. But if non-whites want to make fun of me, then I want full entitlement to make fun of them. I’d be more than ok if that were the scenario. But it’s not, so I stand by my position that this thread is racist.</p>
<p>Is it just me or should the blog be named 'stuff white yuppies/liberals like."</p>
<p>The blog is just for laughs - for people who like to laugh at themselves, their friends, or their “culture” once in awhile. There actually is a blog called Stuffasianpeoplelike, and I’m not offended by it at all (I’m Asian). It’s nice to laugh at your own stereotypes and see how true/untrue they are. </p>
<p>Some of my white friends admit to being guilty of almost all of the things on the blog. They think it’s hilarious. </p>
<p>But I have to agree with craze200. The blog seems to apply more to liberals than white people (many things on the list definitely apply to me).</p>
<p>“Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore”</p>
<p>That is the most stereotypical view of white people, though, from white people, and especially other races. Additionally, if you lived in Portland, you would understand why he chose to use that view as his source material.</p>
<p>It’s, um, red Koolaid, btw.</p>
<p>The blog creater is Canadian. That is probably why he associates the majority of white people to yuppies and liberals.</p>
<p>King818 I think you have mastered #101 of stuff white people like, “Being Offended”.</p>
<p>I like #87 “Outdoor Performance Clothes”. Maybe it’s just because I live in the pacific northwest but it always seem like everyone comes to school dressed like they’re going camping or backpacking, wearing North Face, REI and the like.</p>
<p>Ugly sweater parties!!! SO TRUE!!!</p>