Stupid calculator question

<p>My 13 year old is taking SAT tommorow and lost his calculator so I have to run out and get one without him today (I have a sparkly Barbie one but don't think that would be good karma) . What kind should I get? He needs a graphing calculator for school at some point; should I just get him that or is it hard to use? College board doesn't say if any type is not allowed. Thank you!</p>

<p>I have TI-84 plus silver edition and I love it. It's not hard to use at all. It comes with booklets and DVD's explaning how to use it.</p>

<p>Thank you; I actually just ran into Staples and bought him a non-graphing scientific one. I was so happy that the packages say "Approved for the SAT!!!" So hopefully this will work. I'm elderly so I don't think there were calculators on the SAT when I took it.</p>

<p>Anything without a keyboard is allowed, I believe... I wish him luck! ^_^</p>

<p>Just get a $10 scientific calculator. Graphing calculators are too complex to learn in a day.</p>

<p>To add on to Liist, there will be maybe 1-2 questions where having a graphing calculator would help, although those questions can still be done entirely by hand/with a "normal" scientific calculator.</p>

Graphing calculators are too complex to learn in a day.


I've had my graphing calculator for about 4 years now and I <em>still</em> don't know how to use it fully/still not entirely comfortable using it...I like my simple scientific one...fewer buttons ;)</p>

<p>I have a TI-83. I've had it since 9th grade Physical Science. I love it! I still haven't figured out all the features though...</p>