<p>So, I'm taking "Intro to Tech" since my high school requires one computer/tech credit, and well, I don't care about that kind of thing so I chose the cake class. My teacher described in one word would have to be [with caps lock on to denote the total meaning of the word]
MORON. </p>
<p>I was absent last Friday for an audition into an honor band in the area. I explained this to my teacher. I asked if there was any work at all I needed to make up. He mentioned the weekly evaluation that we're required to do, but since I was gone most of the week he said that he would excuse me from it. I checked my grades online today. I have an F in the class because he can't remember a thing.</p>
<p>Feel free to skim/not read this paragraph. (This is the same man who was telling us about the video cameras we're going to be required to use. "I hate it when one person forgets to turn off a camera and I come back the next day to find all 5 [cameras] dead." Riddle me this...how is me forgetting to turn off one camera going to kill the other four, and if somehow you were trying to imply that five groups of several people (since we work in groups) will really forget to turn off each of their cameras, really, whats the probability of that? He was also explaining the school policy on late assignments. School policy is that a late assignment can only recieve UP TO 70%. On his hand out about class expectations and in his lecture he states, "I will dock your grade 70% so the best you can get is a C". No...the best we could get if you DOCKED 70% would be an F. You will be docking our grades 30%.)</p>
<p>Anyone else have annoyingly stupid teachers?</p>
<p>Well if he changes your grade will you still think he is a moron?</p>
<p>We’re all human, we forget.
It’s time for you to forgive.</p>
<p>^ Ya, I bet he will, but just some of his comments in class are so…</p>
<p>There’s not even a good word to describe it. Ignorant doesn’t even work. Oh well, his comments are just so ignorant.</p>
<p>i had one sophomore year. she was a math teacher who always poked fun at english teachers. she said they seemed to have a lot of trouble calculating classroom funds and such. i think this teacher should have taken some lessons from those english teachers though. she couldn’t spell words that i learned in elementary school. my favorite instance: she wrote “wearhouse” on a diagram we were making. someone told her it was spelled wrong and she goes “how else would you spell it?”. (its WAREhouse, in case you were wondering.) i found it ironic that she needed improvement in a subject that she made fun of others for teaching.</p>
<p>Did that honor band happen to be… an all-state audition? Just wondering.</p>
<p>Anyway, just remind the teacher of your absence while doing everything in your power to get him on your side. Jerk teachers that are hated by the students are often the ones that will add an extra 10 points to your final grade if they like you. (Just don’t put yourself in a compromising position between the teacher and your classmates who may hate you for sucking up).</p>
<p>Ha. We don’t have all-state this year. All Northwest, which I sadly enough missed the auditions for.
(A local university hosts what they call the “All Star Student Honor Band”)</p>
<p>Although, I am one of the few that doesn’t like this teacher, just as my History and English teachers bug me this year and everyone loves them.</p>